To everyone jumping into any subjective conclusions - you ought to consider 
some of the pressing facts:

Nothing from the original GNOME logo can be used as a standalone to point a 
user to Ubuntu GNOME. If you use the GNOME foot on its own without any 
text/wordmark you are directly pointing the user to GNOME, not Ubuntu GNOME - 
understand this before you say anything.

Those who want to keep the gnome foot in the logo - that is not going to happen 
any more. It means using somebody else's identity, which is a technical mistake 
and a violation at the same time. GNOME gave us permission previously, but that 
doesn't last and doesn't clearly communicate us as a distribution, while all 
you see is the component (the GNOME desktop).

Using someone else's logo as your own is not the right way to go, because 
you're using somebody else's identity to identify yourself, which in most cases 
is illegal. Take it like somebody used Nike's logo in a roundel with just the 
colour changed. Do you really believe people wouldn't be confused? Would Nike 
like that? No.

When you modify somebody else's logo to suit yours you are directly violating 
some rights, hence modifying the GNOME foot anyhow didn't come as an option 
either and we had to make other choices.

To the newcomers to the game: first before mentioning anything consider, that 
we as the design team and me in particular as the logo author, had to go 
through a lot of thinking and research before what was born as mutual agreement 
of an idea that would be the logo. I had to make mainly decisions that would be 
right legally. To please everyone's eye, which I know will never be possible 
because there will always be a sense of nostalgia when a major change occurs, 
is a difficult task and if we should listen to every single "idea" we would 
never get anywhere, ever.

To quote: "


logo for "gnome" is a 'thumb' or even a 'hat', a 'pipe', a

'toadstool', a 'tree' as long as it's something organic or natural."

- really? A thumb? That idea inclines more to Facebook than us.

- a hat? You mean Red Hat? Sorry, that idea has already been used by a 
corporation backing Fedora and would be a cheap imitation.

- a pipe? I don't see how that anyhow directly points to us and it's also 
something that changes the identity completely and might seem confusing, and a 
lot. Somehow you don't doubt that idea at all, but you doubt the current 

- a tree? I understand your "trying", but believe me, been there done that.

Now don't take this offensively, it's not meant to be, but shift into my shoes 
for a moment and understand that the decision I made is there for the right 
reason and every notion behind it is in place.

Nothing ruins creativity like too many voices weighing in. We call it the Ice 
Cream Principle. Tell 10 people to go get ice cream with one condition: they 
all have to agree on one flavour. That flavour is going to be chocolate or 
vanilla every time. Groups of people don't agree on what's cool or interesting, 
they agree on what's easy to agree on.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Ubuntugnome-artwork] [Artwork] Ubuntu GNOME - the new logo by 
Patrik Bubak
Time (GMT): Jul 11 2015 09:36:55

Perhaps the most obvious choice is Gnome logo + Ubuntu colours.

You cannot use the Ubuntu roundel without transforming the entire logo
into a combination, which Ubuntu does not allow. But if Gnome does not
allow standalone use of the Gnome logo, yeah..

Personally I feel this new roundel is devoid of significance (the
form). The colours are not Ubuntu and the logo is not Gnome. I like
the colour but the logo is very clinical, it might be the logo of some
medical technology supplier. I'm reminded of disinfection ;-).

Well good luck with it. I just feel Gnome is 90% of the identity of
Ubuntu Gnome, there are not many distributions that focus on a single
desktop exclusively, so Ubuntu is like the context (the
environment/frame) while Gnome is the essence (or interior). Another
logo for "gnome" is a 'thumb' or even a 'hat', a 'pipe', a
'toadstool', a 'tree' as long as it's something organic or natural.
Ubuntu Gnome - lots of little footprints together ;-).

Anyway, good luck with it.

Quoting Satyajit Sahoo <>:

> In a standalone logo, when you show a GNOME footprint, it basically screams
> GNOME, and the identity of Ubuntu GNOME is lost.
> Satyajit Sahoo
> UX Designer
> Behance Profile <>
> We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? ? The Doctor,
> Season 5, Episode 13.
> On 11 July 2015 at 12:24, Charlie_UK . <> wrote:
>> If the symbol will never appear without the text, then what you say is
>> true. However, if the symbol part will also be *standalone*, which I
>> would prefer then the footprint is very important.
>> I'm new to the group, so have no knowledge of previous discussions. All I
>> can say, from one user's perspective, is that the present logo is
>> excellent. The footprint says 'gnome' and the circle says 'ubuntu'. I'm
>> even planning of making myself a t-shirt with just the logo. Obviously,
>> this just one person's subjective opinion.
>> Regards,
>> *Charlie*
>> On 11 July 2015 at 07:35, Satyajit Sahoo <> wrote:
>>> The font used is in GNOME's, the colors are GNOME-ish, and the name
>>> itself has "GNOME". So there is already enough connections to GNOME, I
>>> think.
>>> Satyajit Sahoo
>>> UX Designer
>>> Behance Profile <>
>>> We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? ? The Doctor,
>>> Season 5, Episode 13.
>>> On 11 July 2015 at 11:58, Charlie_UK . <> wrote:
>>>> Not my cup of tea. IMHO, without some connection to the Gnome footprint,
>>>> it's meaningless.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> *Charlie*
>>>> On 11 July 2015 at 06:42, Andrés Muñiz Piniella <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> >> Gentlemen,
>>>>> >>
>>>>> And ladies!
>>>>> >> of course, to hear your thoughts and comments.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> More on the project:
>>>>> >> See it in action:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> Looks amazing!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Richmond Makerlabs
>>>>> Ham United Group
>>>>> --
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