On 1/5/07, Aanjhan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Gaurav,
> Happy new year.
> On 12/25/06, Gaurav Mishra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >        I would like to point out some bottleneck i feel , Ubuntu-in as
> > a LOCO team is a huge sleeping gaint, We are not moving.
> Yeah true. Thanks for bringing this topic.
> >  http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/TODO page is still outdated it talks of
> > dapper , and Dapper is a History.
> Fisrt of all, the TO DOs have to be changed because it was
> created/agreed during the very very initial stages of the Community.
> We have come pretty far, with quite a few people joining in than, it
> was at that time. So, it would be nice if we could re-check and re
> discuss these issues. Some of them that come to my mind are as
> follows:
> 1. Aims have to be revamped, relooked

Very much agreed, Aims and a Roadma to achieve it

> 2. To Dos have to be rewritten (an effect of the aims changing?? Also
> things that would lead to acheiving the goals?? )
> 3. Identify the tasks and assign new responsibilities for the new/old tasks??
Along with a proper report generation of Performance of last year and
the people responsible.

> 4. Deadlines for the tasks??
> Feel free to add more points.
> All these could be discussed on this list. If it is found really
> necessary, we could have a IRC meet sometime next week.
I would prefer it on list as i am travelling right now, IRC meeting if
fixed should be atleast announced a week before

Looking for more inputs

Thanks aanjhan for responding

> Reggies.
> --
> Aanjhan
> ----------------------------------
> a.k.a Tuxmaniac
> Locations: #ubuntu-in, #linux-india, #gnu-india @irc.freenode.net
> CyberHome: http://www.tuxmaniac.com
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