On 5/9/07, Roshan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I (if I get one) use the Kubuntu 6.06 DVD as a
> source for installing common applications (such as say
> GCC 3.x or 4.x, Java 1.4.x JRE 1.5.x etc?)

The DVD will contain only applications from main and restricted
repository. So it won't contain Sun JRE (multiverse). But the Free JRE
based on GIJ supports Java 1.4.x pretty well.

By the way, the updates provided for Dapper LTS consist only bug fixes
and security updates. It won't contain new releases of packages, so
you will miss new features.
I suggest that you first upgrade to edgy and then to feisty. You can
use 'Alternate CD' for these releases as repository for apt. Of course
using CD will upgrade only the packages that are on CD by default and
not the extra packages you installed from repository. So I suggest
that when upgrading, you remove the extra packages you installed,
upgrade to feisty using CD and then install the packages you want from

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