On 8/27/07, आलोक कुमार <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/8/26, Rajib Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Thanks for your suggestions. MySql, PostGRESql, or SQLite are OK. But my
> > question was whether I shall be able to port all my "Foxpro for DOS"
> > programs to linux platform. Is reverse engineering an option? Otherwise,
> I
> > have to rewrite all my projects. That is a tedious task.
> Yes, I understood what you were asking the first time, and google
> /does/ help. To make things easier for you,
> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLJ_enIN222IN226&q=foxpro+to+mysql+migration
> Alok
> --
> Can't see Hindi? http://devanaagarii.net
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list
> ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com
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Dear Alok,

Yes I know what google does and what google is. Searching with your keywords
produced about *269,000 *results and the first few results provided links to
software which migrates foxpro database to MySQL database. My requirement is
to convert my code and not the database. Perhaps you can be more specific
and tell me which of these *269,000 *results is relevant for me.

p.s.: I appealed to the Ubuntu mailing list after searching google
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