Ok got it.. Its my mistake.. Thanks pratul I ll shift the wiki to a Ubuntu
india wiki page and request for a subforum..will contact voiran soon... to
change it to a subforum mate...
Bhavani Shankar.

On 10/27/07, Lut4rp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let a non-Bangalore, non-Kannada person give his opinion on this.
> From what all I gather, this Bangalore Team idea is not bad, but don't
> fork it! By forking it, I mean:
> -- getting a new IRC channel
> -- using the ubuntuforums.org forum, while the Ubuntu India forums
> also exist. You could have requested us to make a sub-category with as
> many forums for you, we would have been glad!
> -- using the ubuntu wiki for promotion as a separate LoCo team. I
> suggest use the Ubuntu India resources please. We have a wiki and a
> forum and an IRC channel as well.
> -- you can very well use tags (you are using Ubuntu Bangalore Team) in
> the mailing list so as to differentiate your mail. No need for a
> separate mailing list as well.
> You have a noble mission my friend! But using the right tools will
> help you in the long run as well. We want to help you in any way we
> can. If you get our point, this helps the Ubuntu India community as a
> whole beautifully and supports your goal as well.
> And this also reminds me of the Ubuntu India site upgrade, i will
> holler on that point as well (separate mail :) )
> Thanks
> Pratul
> --
> In a world without fences & boundaries, who needs Gates and Windows?
> personal website - http://techjugaad.com/techbakwaas
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list
> ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-in
ubuntu-in mailing list

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