Reading the message a little, I thought I should point you all to some good
direction rather than discussing Junk.

First of All, before you propose something, have always in mind that
Millions of Pure Intelligent Humans out here are working on OpenSource and
Linux. So they might have already thought that, or maybe even worst that
whatever you are thinking isn't even in the road.. So you should research
and think/justify (yourself) a little before pointing. And be out of Virtual
world. Read about the Boot Loaders and OPerating System's style of loaders.

For beginners, you (most people) will always find Linux distro's frustrating
initially, because you know Windows. Later you will stick to Linux and play
(really) and find if that stupid windows work can be done here in Linux
(Just not saying Windows is baD). If every Operating System Vendors would
come in a meeting and final  a standard for Boot Loaders, then make it Open
(OpenSource), I think your wish would be accomplished. But thats not
feasible from business point of views of those closed source companies and

And for your information, Ubuntu is bigger in News and happenings rather
than Vista.. Google it. It doesn't mean how many people knows the name/brand
(in case your statistics again got deviated).
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