On Fri, 16 May 2008 13:51:41 +0530
AlgoMantra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Gang,
> I needed to create a soft symbolic link from my home directory like this
> (in order to run a language called Processing), which I did:
> java -> /usr/lib/j2rel.4.2
> Now I have verified that the target directory exists, but the system is
> reporting that its a 'broken link'.

What is the exact command that you used to create the link? How is the
system reporting a broken link? Also, show the output of the following
  ls -l ~/java
  ls -ld /usr/lib/j2rel.4.2

> 2. Why is the system defaulting to OpenJDK from Processing? Should
> I remove OpenJDK in order to use the JRE1.4 I have installed?

You should be able to solve this with the proper setting of environment
variables, JRE, or JRE_HOME, if I remember correctly. I haven't dabbled
in Java for some time, so have forgotten exactly what one is supposed
to set these to, but maybe someone else can help out. The system
documentation should also tell you.


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