Onkar Shinde wrote:
> <snip>
>> 2) all praise for ubuntu is praise for apple and mac in disguise. mark
>> shuttleworth is 100% inspired by the design and aesthetics and
>> UI-approach of apple. he makes no bones about this.
> </snip>
> Did he say that? How about some link to some article or interview?
> By the way, Ubuntu's uses GNOME as default desktop which I do not find
> much similar to Mac OS X. Also Mark Shuttleworth himself does not make
> many UI related decisions nor he is actively contributing to GNOME
> project. Apart from that GNOME has been making steady improvements and
> I don't think the approach has ever been 'we do it like Mac OS X'
AFAIK, KDE and GNOME both projects are no way trying to imitate the UI 
of Mac or Windows. Sometimes the look and feel of themes, and the colors 
chosen might make us feel related to these OS's UIs if we are used to 
them before we encounter GNOME/KDE. When I started using GNU/Linux, 
GNOME looked completely different from Windows desktop, which I knew of 
then, while KDE's blue color reminded me of Windows. But, once I started 
more and more using both these desktops I discovered that this initial 
resemblance was completely matter of coincidence.

In addition, as some one who had been given the gyan about Computer UI 
evolution, the Computer desktop UI interface was much influenced by Mac. 
Infact, Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines is considered to be one of 
the earliest and well documented UI guidelines in the field of 
Human-Computer Interaction. Let's give them the credit where it is due, 
but do not fall for mere similarities. Indeed, every creation in this 
world by humans are influenced by something else, mostly nature's 
creations and sometimes other human(s) creation.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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