On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 07:57 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Arvind wrote:
> > Hi,is there any particular way to join the team of Ubunteros in
> Banalore
> > and join the LUG too...
> >   
> AFAIK, there is only a Ubuntu India Team (available at ubuntu-in.org
> and 
> #ubuntu-in in irc.freenode.net) and not any LUGs in Bangalore that I 
> have seen people participating in the recent past. There is a foss.in 
> yahoo groups which I see a bit active around the event. You can feel 
> free to join any other lugs such as ILUGChennai, ILUGDelhi,
> GLUG-Bombay, 
> etc. as they are not strictly for people from particular region. I
> wont 
> vouch if any one points you to any Ubuntu-Bangalore or similar groups 
> (It may exist, but none from the Indian team are aware of).

Thanks for letting me know that Parth,how do i join them..

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