bhaskars wrote:
> Hi,
> I run the command sudo apt-get install -f monodevelop, 
> Still im not unable to install, its saying 
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree 
> Reading state information... Done
> E: Couldn't find package monodevelop
> Please help me out.
$ aptsearch monodevelop
monodevelop - C/C++/C#/Boo/Java/Nemerle/ILasm/ASP.NET Development 
monodevelop-nunit - NUnit plugin for MonoDevelop
monodevelop-versioncontrol - VersionControl plugin for MonoDevelop

$ aptsearch libmono-accessibility
libmono-accessibility1.0-cil - Mono Accessibility library
libmono-accessibility2.0-cil - Mono Accessibility library

Can you please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file in a pastebin such 
as and give us the link so that we can correct 
if it is wrong.
(I remember Ubuntu India has one too, is it still alive. If so, kindly 
someone share the URL please)

Note: libmono-accessibility in in Main and monodevelop is in Universe, 
and hence all you/he might require is to enable Universe repository.
Note: With Respect To Ubuntu 8.04.1 Hardy Heron

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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