On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 4:30 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Onkar Shinde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-in] PCIe Graphics Card for ubuntu
> Get graphics card based on ATI chipset. If you are looking for cheap
> ones you will probably get those only second hand on Ebay. You could
> buy any one from 9xxx series. I am not sure though if they are PCIe
> cards.

No those are not the PCIE ones. ebay has all kinds of irrational
prices. You can find new and cheap 64MB ATI PCI-cards in some shops.
SVB manufactures the old "recommended for servers"  Rage 8MB card
> If you are ready to shell some more money get ones from 16xx or 19xx
> HD series. They have support for HD resolutions and have drivers in
> Ubuntu which give at least good 2D support.

Radeon HD1550 is supposed to be work well on 'radeon' too. 3D is
possible in this range, but see below. Radeon 2400 is also good

> In case you have found some fortune anywhere and want to use it to buy
> graphics card then buy the latest from Radepn HD series like 3xxx or
> 4xxx. But please keep in mind that only buy the ones that come with a

Radeon 3450 (512MB) and a newer 4xxx card cost <3k, but most others will be >8k

> separate powerful cooling fan. Also check what is the power supply
> required by them and if your SMPS can support it.

A problem with Ubuntu is that the X-... is too old and all these will
work far better on distros like Fedora9 and above on Open source
drivers. Most of these cards have on-board RAM from 128MB to 1GB.
Prices depend on that too.


A. Mani

A. Mani
Member, Cal. Math. Soc

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