On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 7:11 AM, kumaresan ganesan <
kuralkumaranthama...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> Hi Friends,
> I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (64-bit) in my HCL Leaptop. I have Ubuntu 8.04
> (i386) Repository received from www.zyxware.com. But Synaptic not loading
> package list from repository DVDs.
> what can I do friends?
> assuming you got the right dvd's you can try

copy the contents dist and the pool directories to a unique directory on
your hard disk
/home/yourdirectory/ubuntu804_DVD1/  for the first dvd
/home/yourdirectory/ubuntu804_DVD2/ and so on

The open a terminal and do the following

~$sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.conf
add the following lines (change to suit your specific local directory where
you have copied the dist and pool directories specfic for each dvd)
#local repository for Hardy Heron 8.04
deb file:///home/youruserdirectory/ubuntu804_DVD1/ hardy main multiverse
deb file:///home/youruserdirectory/ubuntu804_DVD2/ hardy main multiverse
and so on till all the dvd places are added

place an # and space against all the other repositories mentioned in the
sources.conf so that when you update you don't get error messages or
unnecessarily burden synaptic in trying to search for online repositories

save and exit

then run ~$sudo apt-get update

or from synaptic go to the reload option

your repository will be local and up and running - it work(s)ed for me very

Other hints / tips
1. Make a copy of your original sources.conf (just in case you mess
something up and want to revert)
2. user your text editor of choice if you don't like / use gedit
3. make sure the syntax is exact or you will get errors
4. make sure you have the exact directory path
5. Make sure you have tonnes of space

Advantages :
1. Very fast instals
2. Don't have to keep changing dvd's while installing software
3. never need to miss any package whenever you feel you want to try
4. If you have it on an external / portable HD this ready made repository
can be used by anyone having the same ubuntu

1. needs tonnes of hard disk space
2. Allows you to install tonnes of packages and ends up really bloating your
system and not being very efficient (but then you learn and optimize)

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