Hi Thanks for all the responses and support by ubuntu-in for successful weekly 
get together #1 and I am looking forward to the #2.
-->First of all I need some feedback about the last weekly get together for 

 During the session I gave some wrong facts which were soon spot and corrected 
by tuxmaniac . I was of the impression that there will be a few beginners so I 
tried to simplify the matter as much as possible which led to the distortion of 
facts. I apologize.

----->You need not to be a computer engineer to start developing.If you know 
how to type you can become a developer. Thats the beauty of Open Source . 

The topic for the next session will be:
1) Bugs : Reporting and Solving(continued from last week)
2) How to create themes and icons in ubuntu

In this session we will do and learn.
Everybody is invited.

P.S. Gurus are requested to share their knowledge by giving some presentation.


      Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 
ubuntu-in mailing list

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