Hello All,
I have spent months working on both my aspell-hi personalized dictionary as 
well as the aspell-hi system-wide dictionary, and now have a fairly extensive 
dictionary whose vocabulary is specialized for the writing which I do. I am now 
helping a colleague to set up the same aspell Hindi spell-checker in his 
computer, and need to install these Hindi dictionaries of mine for use with 
aspell in his computer. But it seems that the aspell structure has changed a 
bit since I got mine set up. It used to be that the system-wide Hindi 
dictionary was a file called hi.cwl. One could edit it by decompressing the 
file, opening it in gedit, then saving the changes and recompressing the file 
into the hi.cwl format. But now I find that when one installs aspell-hi in a 
computer today, it is kept in a different format -- hi.cwl.gz. This it seems is 
basically another compression format. So it would seem logical enough that if I 
want to put my hi.cwl into his computer, then I can just compress it into the 
hi.cwl.gz format and install it in his computer. Should this work?

I ask, because I have tried this in one person's computer, and the hindi 
spellchecker stopped working. So I am a bit scared to try it again.

Another related question: I notice that after installing aspell-hi in my 
colleague's computer, there are no .aspell.hi.prepl and .aspell.hi.pws files in 
his home folder. These used to be the names of the personalized dictionaries. 
Is it now done in a different way? Because I would like to install my 
.aspell.hi.prepl and .aspell.hi.pws files in his computer as well.


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