Hi again!

Yesterday, I'd posted a mail to the list asking about the Reliance LG
LXU800 usb dialer, while using Jaunty.  It seems to be a problem of
the correct driver not being loaded, as is pointed out on this page on
the Ubuntu community wiki (
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/LXU800 ).  I
followed the steps there and got wvdialconf to detect the dialer.  So,
problem #1 solved :) After this, I ran wvdial, and I ran into another

wvdial now seems to be having problems talking to the dialer.  After
wvdial initializes, it sends the 'AT' command as Init1, receives an OK
from the dialers, sends the Init2 string and then receives a 'NO
CARRIER' reply and then an 'OK' reply from the dialer. It then goes on
to initialize the modem, and calls #777.  After this, it shows a
'Connected, but carrier signal lost! Retrying...' message. AFAIK, this
is not a network problem, as I can access the network from a windows
box at the same place, with the same dialer.  I guess that the Init2
string is either wrong, or an Init3 string might be needed.

If anyone has had similar problems, please reply.  Also, will I have
to run the modprobe command after every boot, or can I make it
persistent by adding a line to /etc/modprobe.conf ?

Thanx a lot for all the help!
Ninad S. Pundalik
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