
Not sure why you need fetchmail for this. You can as well setup
thunderbird on some other machine, download all the mails and then
copy the new mailbox files to your machine.

I need to use fetchmail because I do not want to make all my mails public on another machine, which is at a place where others use the same computer and also may have their mails on it. Ultimately what I need to do is that mails are downloaded by fetchmail running as a daemon, and I need to set up a simple shellscript that will copy the downloaded mailfile (usually from /var/spool?) to a usbstick.


PS: I use Ubuntu Hardy and Jaunty on various machines, and recently got it running from a LiveUSB stick on a Asus EeePC 7 inch, 512MB, Atom processor, worked like a dream. Quite fast actually, faster than the Jaunty NBR or UNRs. This was a standard 32 bit Karmic.

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