
> Also When I tried to configure moin wiki following the
> guideĀ https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/moinmoin.html, I got the
> wiki working but the problem is when I copied the pages from our old moin
> (as mentioned in guide ) wiki most if the links results in error.

I have absolutely no idea about glade, so can't help you there.  But,
here's what you can try with the MoinMoin Wiki. (Do make a backup of
the database and all the files before trying this, as I've never
worked with MoinMoin, but have a decent experience with Wordpress and
Gallery2.  This technique is recommended to all similar php based

1. Ubuntu packages these php based sites as a deb, and doesn't upgrade
them to their latest package, as their release cycles are quite
different from Ubuntu's.  Hence, you might not have the latest version
in your previous install.
2. Upgrade the wiki to the latest major and minor release versions.
You could either download the incremental upgrade packages, or get the
latest package and use its builtin upgrade page (if there are major
changes, you might not be able to use the second step.  incremental
upgrades might be the only way).  The docs will specify how to upgrade
from the latest package, but it mostly involves copying the latest
files from the tarball into the website directory, and then opening
the install/upgrade page, and following the instructions there.
3. After you have the site up-to-date, dump the database and all the
data directories, or use the built in export/import tools (Wp has one,
Gallery AFAIK doesn't, MoinMoin must be having one).
4. On the new server, get the latest package (preferably from the
tarball, and not the deb, as the debs do lag by a few weeks often).
Unzip it to the final location, and
- import the database and copy the data directories, and open up the
site.  It _should work_ most of the times.
- if you have a import/export tool, follow the regular install
procedure of the site, and then after it's over, import the data. :)

Do remember, while doing all this, plugins can break the site.  So,
before dumping the database and the data directories, disable all but
the most important plugins, update the important ones to the latest
version, and install the exact same copy on to the new server.  After
your site is online, you can go on re-activating the plugins :).

If you need more help, you can look up the documentation at Wordpress,
MoinMoin, phpBB and Codex Gallery.  They have excellent guides for
upgrading and server shifting :).

Ninad S. Pundalik
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