
People might not think this is important even so am posting my 2 bits.

Today , yet again, some spam came in from https://www.boxbe.com
through a list member.

I am sure its a list member because i ran a search for the address on
my gmail accounbt and it returned only Ubuntu.in mails - and one of
the posters (in many mails) had the same email id.

The reason for confirming the identity (as an Ubuntu.in member) and
posting is that this is a recurrent problem. At the least its
irritable and the address can be spammed and we can continue to
ignore. But its a larger problem kind of like when some one speaks
they spit in your face or use abusive language or if you hand them
your calling card they leave photocopies of it lying around.

Boxbe now has my address (and am sure many list member addresses) they
also know for sure its a living address. So i am going to credit any
increase in spam to boxbe and the person who gave out my email id.

So what right does this person have to give out my or anyone's email
id with so much as by your leave and this frankly *pisses* me off.

What it also means is that there quite a few *SILLY* people on the
list (and in the internet world in general) who are quite ignorant
about normal safety protocols (for self and others) exposing more then
just themselves to the many horrors that masquerade behind so many of
the hoax mails.

I think, among the MANY things that need to be done its time to start
teaching people mail and internet manners maybe by making a internet
use how to or a mailing list how to or just a simple what *to NEVER

the last i am willing to compile if we we can agree on what people
should never do (any in the tiny fine print why)


ubuntu-in mailing list

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