On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Bryan Quigley <bryanquig...@ubuntu.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Sanjay Bhangar 
> <sanjaybhan...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Bryan Quigley 
>> <bryanquig...@ubuntu.com>wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> According to StatCounter Global Statistics the most used browser version
>>> on the web is Firefox 3.5.
>>> <http://gs.statcounter.com/#browser_version-ww-weekly-200827-200951>Congrats
>>>  to Mozilla (and the open web)!
>>> While I'm all for celebrations, I think getting euphoric over this
>> statistic is a bit misleading .. as one can clearly see from the graph, ie6
>> + 7 + 8 combined is still wayy ahead of Firefox all versions combined. I
>> definitely think we should celebrate Firefox's phenomenal growth, but I
>> think taking that statistic and making it sound like Firefox is the browser
>> leader can only be construed as desperation / misleading.
>> Definitely congrats to Firefox 3.5. But lets not fool ourselves .... there
>> is much to be done to win this battle yet ...
>> just my two bits,
>> Sanjay
> From a web developer perspective, you can't just assume if it works in IE6
> it will work in IE8 or vice versa.  You can assume that on Firefox 3.5.  I
> agree, that I could have worded it better.  We definitely haven't "won" yet.
> Meaning - assume that if something works on Firefox 3.0 it will work on
Firefox 3.5 ? That isn't a 100% true, since every browser that wants to
evolve has to make some backwards incompatible changes . Of course, I agree
with you that developing for IE is hell in general due to its lack of
standards support.

> Also, that's why I wanted to use it as a rallying call (see finish off IE6
> below). If you have a website please add it (it will add a little banner
> encouraging IE6 users to upgrade).
> Sure - though I think I would like it if the page emphasized the importance
of web standards and IE's consistent disdain for it rather than stressing on
the point that IE6 is 'old'. Unfortunately, I know too many people,
especially in India, who are content with decade-old software, as long as it
'works', also because they are reluctant to learn something new. We must get
across the point that it does not work. We take a rather harsh approach on
our site http://pad.ma/ (try going there with IE, any version :P ) - we
definitely do need more initiatives like this though - urging people to put
some banner / information on their website educating users who are using
non-standards compliant browsers. Do keep up the good work :)

> Other than that I would really like other ideas for promoting Firefox in
> India.  Maybe -- Hand out pamphlets to webcafes/anywhere we see IE being
> used, wear Firefox t-shirts.
> One thing I like to do when I go to a cybercafe is install firefox when I
can :) - also when I find firefox installed in a cybercafe, I generally make
it a point to tell the cybercafe owner 'thanks' so he knows customers
appreciate it.

You should definitely be in touch with the folks at
http://www.spreadfirefox.com/ and follow up on those great ideas :).

> Any other ideas?

Events are another good idea, I think - we had organized something for the
launch of firefox 3.5 - you can view the entire event here:
http://pad.ma/Vsmpvstz/info .

Best of luck :)

> -Bryan
>> But we can use this as a rallying call to do more. Let's Finish Off IE6
>>> <http://www.ie6nomore.com/> (remove the links to IE8 and Safari if you
>>> want, and maybe add one for Opera).
>>> (I also posted this on my blog,
>>> http://gquigs.blogspot.com/2009/12/firefox-35-most-popular-browser-major.htmland
>>>  if you use slashdot please +1 me)
>>> The stats for India are unfortunately much more in favor of IE6 (
>>> http://gs.statcounter.com/chart.php?browser_version-IN-weekly-200827-200951)
>>> But together we can do something about that,
>>>  Bryan
>>> --
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