Thank you for writing such a useful how-to.
I have been following your series on this mailing list and its pretty

One suggestion though:
I would also like to see these tips on either our loco team wiki or the
ubuntu wiki. This way, others can easily contribute to your work/make
suitable alterations (mostly typos). It would also serve better bookmarking.
If you feel time/energy is a constraint, I would be more than happy to post
them there.

Once again thank you and keep up the good work!

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnaraya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Having a good dictionary handy iis quite essential , having a multi lingual
> dictionary and Thesaurus is even better.
> Ubuntu provides one with the the facility to install an offline multiple
> language dictionary. There are a host of online Dictionaries but having one
> always and off line is a different asset all together.
> Following is a simple how to install and tweak dictionary to run offline.
> The Language choices are upto you
> Part 1 Installing the Packages required
> Am assuming you are familiar  with synaptic (System --> Administration -->
> Synaptic Package Manager) an have a working internet connection.
> Start Up synaptic and find the following packages and mark for installation
> dict
> dictd
> these are the server and client for a dictionary services
> the front end is Dictionary 2.28.xx which gets installed by default. (not
> in any order of preference)
> apart from the above if you continue searching in sequence (to the above
> mentioned packages) you will find a whole lot of dictionaries -
> the ones i have installed are
> dict-bouvier
> dict-devil
> dict-elements
> dict-foldoc
> dict-freedict-eng-deu (english to german)
> dict-freedict-eng-hin (english to hindi)
> dict-freedict-hin-eng (hindi to english)
> dict-gcide
> dictionaries-common
> dict-jargon
> dict-moby-thesaurus
> dict-vera
> Part 2 - Configuring the Dictionary to work offline
> After installing this (and other dictionaries of your choice) there is a
> small tweak we need to do to make the dictionary work offline
> Go to Applications --> Office--> Dictionary and run the programme
> Dictionary
> In the Open Application go to Edit --> preferences
> In Source select ADD and
> in description add any name you want to use for your customized dictionary
> services (replace source with a identifiable name)
> Let transport be as it is (Dictionary Server)
> *change* Hostname to 127.0.01 (replace dict.org)
> Port - Leave as it is.
> enter add
> then in the Select a Dictionary Source for looking up words
> Select the Dictionary source your just added
> Enter Close
> Type any word to test if the dictonary works (you can / should test with
> your internet off)
> If you get a meaning or any output means its working. Congratulations.
> 3. Accessing words / meanings from non default sources
> You may have added many other language dictionarys, and they may not be the
> default
> So to access say the english to Hindi dictionary
> type your word in  and enter - on the right side a whole list of words
> (smilar words) will appear pressing on each will show you the meanings based
> on each dictionary installed (not a good way to show up meanings but at the
> moment this is what seems to be available)
> Again on the right panel there is drop arrow next to that -by default is
> shows similar words.  if you press that you will see a list more options
> (Similar Words, Available Dictionaries, Strategies, Sources) . pressing on
> "Available dictionaries" will show you what dictionaries you have installed,
> If you select any dictionary the and then enter the word you want then the
> results you get are only from the selected dictionary.
> In case you want to use individual dictionaries and not have many replies
> cluttering up your responses you can open many dictionary windows and for
> each select a particular dictionary and get the meanings / responses as
> required.
> But your selection lasts only as long as that window is open.
> Hope you can enjoy this services as much (or maybe more) than i do
> have fun
> ram
> Next pressing on any dictonary will enable
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list
> ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-in


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