On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:03 PM, K Ramnarayan <ramnaraya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Many years back i had posted to this list about a problem i was facing with
> Mozilla thunderbird.
> The problem was that my net connection was a slow dial up (yep slower than 56
> kbps) and that i was getting a decent bit of mail in my gmail account (gmail
> was setup through pop service in thunderbird)
> The problem was that thunderbird would not download all the mails in gmail. It
> would simply give up after an unknown x amount of data.
> Searching for a solution - lead me to resetting gmail pop service to begin
> downloading from the beginning (when i had access to broadband to download)
> This too did not work and i was stuck with duplicate messages and having
> thunderbird give up downloading anything beyond aug 2007.
> There were some solutions than used some command line tools through which i
> could download to mbox or maildir folders / files. Tried this and for some
> reason it did not work. Of course i did not try hard enough.
> Now in 2010 - yes with about 20000 un-downloaded mails in my gmail account
> there appears to be a solution (appears because its still work in progress)
> The answer is Kmail - i set it up - imported messages from thunderbird, the
> latest on it being from aug 2007, and since installtion kmail's  been slowly
> and steadily downloading my gmail mails to my HD location. Its slow (because i
> think the net itself is slow) so hopefully in about 100 days i will catch up
> to current times :-)
> why you may ask do i want to do this - well for some reason if gmail goes down
> in the future, i hopefully will still have my mail and attachments
> second even if there is no internet access i can still refer to communication
> third - it makes searching (in combination with beagle) for stuff quite
> effective
> Fourth kmail seems smooth esp in combination with kontact etc
> So Just thought that after all the aggravation to the list about thunderbird
> problems i should tell you that a resolution is underway
> regards
> ram

You didn't try fetchmail ?


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