
How tough would it be to implement this on top of sshfs?  Mount all
the partitions other than root for 'clients' onto a common location on
a 'server', and then all the clients can mount that mountpoint and
access the entire hierarchy?  I have no idea if any problems of
recursive nature will happen, but I guess you can worry about it
later, as the current set of users is primarily Windows based and we
don't expect them to play around with stuff.  I've tried doing cyclic
mounts between 2 systems, but I was sane enough to not experiment by
remounting the mountpoint at the 'server' on to the client again.

Because of this, the usual cp, mv, rm and even Nautilus will work
flawlessly, as sshfs uses fuse to implement a transparent userspace
filesystem, (which is what all FUSE based clients do).  Also, transfer
is completely secure, as SFTP is used to do the transfers, and you
have pretty decent performance over a LAN (wired obviously).  I've
watched movies and processed images over sshfs without hiccups.

You might have to configure fstab and export public keys to the server
and vice versa, to allow auto mounting once a machine comes up on the
LAN, and write some bash scripts that'll take down the networked file
system via ssh/clusterssh/some other suitable program when your server
is being shutdown/restarted.  These scripts will make the lab guys
less reliant on you, as they can operate the whole thing, as call you
just for troubleshooting.

For Windows support, I could suggest WinSCP on the clients, but I'm
not sure if you will be able to use the disk's partition as part of
the network.

Ninad S. Pundalik
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