On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 20:20:21 +0530
"Ramnarayan.K" <ramnaraya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Issue Solved - really quite simple in the end (see end of mail)
> > Am not sure what the issues where but even on the fastest
> > network i could
> find i.e, on US University connections thunderbird and kmail
> failed their tests so now am using the hack to get my gmail off
> line first and now into claws.

Sorry, but this still sounds really strange to me. I did the
2GB sync on a moderately good wireless connection, i.e., one
that glitches once in a while, without issues.

> The solution :
> After claws in setup and you have your account in place the justr
> drag and drop the individual maildir files into appropriate
> folders - Yes simply drag and drop - it could not be easier.

Kewl. Glad to hear that you managed to get it working. I like
Claws Mail more and more each day. It is slowly slipping into
the wonderful category of software that just works, and that I
do not have to pay particular attention to.


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