On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 23:10, Nandan Vaidya <vaidya.nan...@gmail.com>wrote:

>> read the rest at:
>> http://www.softwarefreedom.org/news/2010/feb/10/highlights-eben-moglens-freedom-cloud-talk/
> Hi,
> Thanks for the link.
> He had gave a followup talk at DebConf '10 in NYC I believe.
> This page has a video if somebody wishes to see/listen to it
> http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/DebConf10_report:_Eben_Moglen/<http://kitenet.net/%7Ejoey/blog/entry/DebConf10_report:_Eben_Moglen/>
> Also back in June or July this year he spoke on the "the current state of
> free software and the free software movement"
> Video & audio
> http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/lp2010-moglen-state-of-free-sw
> Transcript on Groklaw
> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20100806143457345
> This is something that every FLOSS supporter should read/isten.
> Eben Moglen is a great speaker and makes some really great points during
> his talks/presentations which we do not think about too often
Thanks for Sharing

Narendra Diwate
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