Hi all,

Good to see a few of you have already created your user accounts already
(thanks Anmol, Farhad, Jagadeesh, Nitesh, Sandip, :-). I know you people are
busy with a lot of things, but it would really speed things up if you grab
hold of one article in your spare time, clean it and update it and post it
on the new site. Regading an easy way of making the content accessible I am
working on it, give me some time ( maybe a page link from out featured
board. The page displays several categories, each category with thumbnails
and articles).


As for the Ubuntu-in centric featured slider, I ask for some more time. I
have already selected two pictures from the flickr images which were mailed
on this list. Thanks everyone for your help. If you find other pics, send
them to me.

Thirdly, a crazy idea just hit me. I was inspired by the Gaia project (
www.gaia.us). Why not create Ubuntu-in music, Ubuntu-in themes along with
wallpapers. I know it will take time, given that we have to do other stuff
too, but still... what do you think?

As for the launchpad sign-in integration, somebody has to come up with the
code at the  moment. I am no  great coder but I'll see if it can be be done.

Lastly, thanks for choosing your favourite logo. As far as I can recall,
Anmol is winning at the moment. We have to discuss each logo design
individually (Anmol be sure that you are present). Suggest improvements,
decide on the wordmark style. It will take some time....more coming soon.

Thanks everyone for your support,
ubuntu-in mailing list

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