On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 7:22 PM, ধ্রুবজ্যোতি Dhrubajyoti Sarkar <
dhruba.sar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Recently we have received a UGC grant to develop a local cell to increase
> access to higher education for persons with special needs (GOI initiated
> HEPSN). A substantial part of the grant (approx. 2 lakhs) consists of
> purchase of hardware and softwares for visually-challenged people.
> We have approached some of the market leaders of the IT segment and even
> niche software developers for visually-challenged, like Freedom Scientific.
> Shockingly their hardware-software bundles cost way more than usual IT
> set-ups. For them the term 'special' in this case, is same as they might
> have applied in case of architects, designers or other professionals.
> Under the circumstances, our only hope lies in Ubuntu or other FOSS
> solutions. A small minority in our college always wanted a gradual shift to
> Ubuntu or other Linux soluions; we have about 5 systems running on Ubuntu.
> So, those of you who are reading this email, either forward us to Ubuntu/
> FOSS solutions for visually-challenged or to people who might be developing
> such solutions.
> Best would be if there is among you anyone who develops such solutions for
> visually-challenged. Please let us know the ways to communicate to you so
> that we can consult you regarding hardware and software implementations
> under the scheme. We have paltry honororiam available under the grant-heads
> to nod to your gesture.
> Thanks to you all for enduring through a rather longish email.

also you should get in touch with KK , you can read more about him from here
http://blog.gnunify.in/tag/krishnakant-mane/ and

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