Some time back i had posted the not so nice results of chkrootkit

and found this suspicious programme listening in on port 4000 it was
called beagled and i thought it was some sarcastic malware type having
fun alike saying you "screxxd or your beagled"

so i found no solution to it and use to kill the beagled sessions every day

today i just ran man beagled and this is what i found

       beagled - the Beagle desktop search daemon"

so it seems either beagled is doing something nasty or i got a false positive

top posting in case people are interested, my orignal mail is below


On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Ramnarayan.K <> wrote:
> Hi
> Following an article of chkrootkit i tried it and found some disturbing 
> results
> The original article is here
> Quote
> "With the standard install on my Ubuntu box, chkrootkit has 69
> available tests."
> endquote
> After this i tried chkrootkit and found
> Searching for anomalies in shell history files...           Warning:
> `//home/ram/.kino-history' is linked to another file
> Checking `bindshell'...                                     INFECTED
> (PORTS:  4000)
> what does this INFECTED mean ?? and what would linked to another file
> imply (am assuming the kino  anomaly is less important)
> after searching and asking a friend for some help i tried to
> m-laptop:~$ sudo netstat -pant|grep 4000
> [sudo] password for ram:
> tcp        0      0  *
> LISTEN      2485/beagled
> so is beagle the file tracker doing all this or is beagled a linux
> adjective here
> **
> I uninstalled beagle but still get the same message
> **
> the searching the web the only similar page i came across was
> and following that tried various commands to see what is wrong, if at all
> m-laptop:~$ nmap -P0 localhost
> Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2011-01-22 08:48 IST
> Warning: Hostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs. Using
> Interesting ports on localhost (
> Not shown: 994 closed ports
> 631/tcp   open  ipp
> 4000/tcp  open  remoteanything
> 5800/tcp  open  vnc-http
> 5900/tcp  open  vnc
> 9050/tcp  open  tor-socks
> 50001/tcp open  unknown
> where again Port 4000/tcp says remoteanything ???
> *
> then ran other tests as below
> m-laptop:~$ sudo netstat -an | grep 4000
> tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
> *
> m-laptop:~$ sudo lsof | grep 4000
> lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/ram/.gvfs
>      Output information may be incomplete.
> beagled    2485        ram   16u     IPv4      12298       0t0
> TCP *:4000 (LISTEN)
> which yet again shows the same thing
> Last in the article below there is a mention of port 4000 in the
> context of beagle, though am not sure if this is relevant much
> ***
> would appreciate figuring out what is wrong and why this port 4000
> INFECTED thingy is happening
> ram

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