On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Dr. Vrijilesh Rai <vrijil...@yahoo.co.uk>wrote:

> You can get a CD from here:
> http://cgi.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300596410969

am not sure what you intention is,  but selling a beta version of Ubuntu is
not good , esp when the original poster seems like a newbie, someone who we
should be providing the best available stable OS.

and then to plug your own your own ebay sale makes it worse.

11.10 is a beta - and its some way from being usable as a regular non
testing OS ,

There are no warnings to any user / potential buyer of Ubuntu that this beta
may not be stable and may cause problems, all in all not good for Linux
Publicity. (apart from a mention that after October 13th the final version
would be shipped.)

Unfortunately am not on ebay but if i was, your sale would have been marked
as malicious or something of that equivalent.

Last - advice to people need to buy a Linux CD / DVD -
Considering that one is expected to pay Rs 150 for one measly CD it might be
better to walk into a broadband cafe, download the iso and burn it yourself.
failing that ask some one in a big city to do it for you and courier it , it
may be much cheaper.

And then check out http://www.zyxware.com/requestcd who are providing the
same / similar Ubuntu CD' s for as little as Rs 30 plus shipping. (note - i
am not related to zyxware except as an occasional customer)

*@ Request to List Mod's or any one who knows, please post a list of places
where Ubuntu CD/ DVD's can be procured from.


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