On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Narendra Diwate
<narendra.diw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Resending a query for which I surprisingly didn't receive any answers when I
> posted over a week back. Hopefully this time I am lucky to get a solution.
> I use Debian Testing (in Mint LMDE avatar) as my main OS and as i currently
> have a very slow connection, I would appreciate help on this issue. I use
> debdelta to update/upgrade and normally do this using apt-get from the
> command line. Now while debdelta is very usefull and reduces the download
> size significantly, it somehow can't get around the absence of quite a few
> locale filess that I removed using localepurge. Also I am unaware of how I
> can create a download list like I can when using synaptic (so that i can use
> another computer to download the packages) that does not include the
> packages already created by debdelta.
> So please help me with 2 things:
> 1. How to use debdelta and avoid having packages not created because of
> missing locale files. Is there a work around or is it an either (debdelta)
> or (localepurge) case?
> 2. How to create a package download script from the command line (apt-get)
> that won't include the packages already existing/created using debdelta? I
> think synaptic includes those already present? Correct me if I am wrong.

The description of localepurge contains following text.
"Please note, that this tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with
Debian's package management system and therefore is not for the faint
of heart. This program interferes with the Debian package management
and does provoke strange, but usually harmless, behaviour of programs
related with apt/dpkg like dpkg-repack, reportbug, etc. Responsibility
for its usage and possible breakage of your system therefore lies in
the sysadmin's (your) hands.

Please definitely do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming
localepurge if you break your system by using it. If you don't know
what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage on your own
then please simply don't use this package. "

So why exactly are you using localepurge? And why are you complaining
about breakage in system?

By the way if you hope to receive any help then at least post the
error message you get when using debdelta?

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