
My name is Cherag and I am a newbie in Linux. I have been working in
the IT industry as an IT engineer since 2003 on Windows based systems.
I however have been interested in Linux and concept of free/open
source since the time I was learning abut computers. Due my limited
knowledge of Linux I was almost always using Windows even at home. I
had tried installing a few distros but always reverted back to Windows

Just recently I have taken some very basic training in linux and at
least now I can work on my home pc using Edubuntu 12.04 LTS which I
recently installed (along with WIN 7 in dual boot mode). I do not wish
to go back to only Windows and so I would most probably be taking
advanced training of LAMP. I also want to divert my career towards
Linux and it support and development etc. My friends and collegues are
also interested in Linux just like me.

I am very keen on learning more about Linux and would wish to attend
any seminars or meeting or events for the same. I live in Mumbai at
Grant Road. Any help or info from the community will be highly

Cherag Kersi Mistry

ubuntu-in mailing list

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