
A perspective on Firefox and its legacy in todays over crowded world of
unthinking apps.

The original post is long enough for it to bounce - so below is the url and
some of the initial text.


Original URL: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/28/firefox_legacy/
Firefox's birthday present to us: Teaching tech titans about DIY upstarts

A decade of real choice - there's no app for that

By Matt 

Posted in Developer <http://www.theregister.co.uk/software/developer/>, 28th
September 2012 14:59 GMT <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/28/>

*Open ... and Shut* It's hard to believe it now, but not too long ago the
web was dangerously close to being owned by one vendor: Microsoft.

As mainstream users came to equate Internet Explorer's logo with the Web,
Microsoft worked to lock in its advantage with increasingly proprietary
technology like ActiveX. It surely would have done so, too, but for the
seemingly futile Mozilla browser, née Firefox. Born in the ashes of
Netscape's failed browser business 10 years ago this month as Phoenix,
Firefox 1.0 is arguably the most important technology developed in the last
50 years.

Precisely because it is about more than technology.

Yes, *that* Firefox, the one that for years gobbled away at IE's 95 per
cent market share, only to be largely supplanted in the hearts and minds of
the geek elite by Google Chrome (though not in actual market

Given technology's focus on the latest and greatest, it's easy to forget
that much of this "latest and greatest" wouldn't even be possible without
the work Mozilla did for years with Firefox. Or that dominating the browser
market was never Mozilla's aim with Firefox.

Quixotic as it may sound, the purpose of Firefox was always to spread Web
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