for the purposes of remembering it easily I have code named this "switch" project.

Current ideas for the switch project:

*Get people to switch to ubuntu and keep a blog of their opinions and such of it.

*Get (literally) A picture and a paragraph about the user (this data can be used on the blog and any advertisements to what that this is an actual person that people can identify with.  This person should identify what type of user they are in plain english. (say end user (beginner) etc)

*Use this information to create advertisements, learn about target markets, etc.

Possible "negative" things:
negative reaction from the users. - If the users have a negative reaction and say so on their blog we can simply not empasise the blog. and their negative reaction is still valueable in that it shows what needs to be improved in ubuntu for the end user, etc.

I've already collected two willing participants from different target markets. One is my fiance who is a technophobe and wouldn't even open a control panel on windows.  The other is a friend of mine from the digital art circles who plays with linux on his laptop. (he's agreed to use his laptop as exclusively as possible so that he can keep an accurate blog).

I can collect more people as time goes on but I don't want to get too involved if the marketing team doesn't think this will be useful.
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