Melissa Draper wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've created the following wiki page to act as hub for market research
> initiatives.
> See the page at:
This is a very good initiative, I think there are a lot of people who
will be interested in contributing to this, and creating a place for
them to organize their projects is very worthwhile.

> The information for the initiatives is a brief summary of the project
> objectives, a brief description and information about who started it and
> who's currently involved, as well as a link to the project's wiki page.
> Chris Kenyon and/or Andreas Lloyd: Could you check that what I put on
> the page regarding your project is accurate and sufficient?
I changed the wording a bit, but otherwise it's fine. Chris is actually
driving the project at the moment, though he'll probably be needing help
to edit and structure the case studies as they come in. When that time
comes, I'm sure he will announce it on the mailing list.

WIth regards to the Market Surveys, it sounds like really interesting
work. I did a web survey a couple of months back on the members of the
Ubuntu community, examining their technical background and interest in
F/OSS and Ubuntu specifically. Perhaps you can use that as an
inspiration for further surveys:

the spec :
the results :

Also, after finishing the survey, I was contacted by community member
Marcos Larios who wanted to use my survey as a base to focus on new
Ubuntu users - much like your current project. I believe that he has
been trying to get such a survey organized through the Ubuntu Forums, as
that seems to be where the most end users have their first community
experiences. I've CC'ed Marcos so that he can join the discussion.

In general, I think it will be very useful to have a much shorter questionnaire 
targeted directly at new users by way of the forums it might be possible to get 
more reliable data on the number of first-timers. Another approach could be to 
target the community people doing advocacy work to find out how many people 
they're helping to begin using Ubuntu and use that to extrapolate an estimate 
of first-time users.

I'm looking forward to helping out with this.




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