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* Robert McWilliam:
> On Wed, 9 Aug 2006 14:13:59 -0400, "sara vasquez"
>> Robert,
>> we talked about this before
> Where and when? I remember questions about who the magazine was
> targeting and why a magazine was needed before but don't remember any
> clear answers, and a search through the archives just now hasn't turned
> up anything - which probably means it was sent last week and I am
> somehow managing to overlook it :)
>> and we know that at the beginning the contetn would be similr I am
>> even going to go and say taht perhaps all that content won't be on a
>> formal magazine publication but be put up as articels on the fridge as
>> we move foward we will get more  content that would attract existing
>> users.As for help.ubuntu.com i know many people feel that it is
>> helpfull, but not atractive. We are aiming to make it more graphicl
>> informatinve and graphical. we have actualy discuss how we can make
>> the fridge and magazine interact but so far we have not come up with
>> anything concrete. if you have any ideas let me know.
> My idea is a bit brutal: don't make a magazine but instead improve what
> we already have.

This is absolutely right. Robert's initial suggestion - contribute news
articles to the fridge and documentation to help.ubuntu.com is exactly
the direction that those who want to contribute these two types
of information should be going in.

Feel free to submit any ideas that you have for improving the layout and
graphics of either the fridge or help.ubuntu.com as follows:

 * The Fridge - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * help.ubuntu.com - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both those resources are always looking for new ideas about how to
improve, both in terms of presentation and in terms of content.

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