On 8/31/06, Christian Convey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm keen to watch not only the number of newly reported bugs, which you
> already have in the newsletter, but also the number of bugs that more
> towards the various states of resolution.  I care about this because I'm
> concerned in general about whether or not bugs are getting fixed as
> quickly as they're getting introduced.
> So how about introducing another number or two in the newsletter?  (a)
> Number of bugs closed, and (b) Net change in number of open bugs.
> (Which would basically be # of bugs opened minus # of bugs closed.)
> Cheers,
> Christian


Sorry about the late response. Clearing through old email. Anyway, I
would love to provide better bug information but the reporting tools
from LP suck and thus I cannot.



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