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Thank you all for your feedback. It was very helpful.
PriceChild,ManiacMusician and me (Roald / ubuntu_demon) have discussed
your feedback and we have taken note of it. We have also formulated some
thoughts in reaction.

We are happy to inform you that we are currently in a phase of the
forum-ambassadors project where it makes sense to investigate who wants
to become Forum Ambassador members / leaders. See forum link :

Please use reply-all to reply to this email.

Thank you for all your feedback,


Roald / ubuntu_demon on behalf of the upcoming forum ambassadors project

Summarized suggestions of henrik nilsen omma :

Document is too big for devs too read. So my suggestion would be: try to
simplify it further and try making a start on the actual ambassador work
and adjust as you go along.

reaction : we want to start soon. we don't want to spend too much time
on the document anymore. we'll learn as we go along. Yeah.

Summarized suggestion of Matt Zimmerman : the best way to reach out from
the forums (and getting to a lot of devs) is sending useful news to UWN.
reaction : In the future we envision a lot of different tasks for
forum-ambassadors such as helping users report bugs, helping users write
specs, guide discussions about new specs and much more. We hope
forum-ambassador volunteers will choose tasks based on skills,interest
and time. We think it's a good idea to use UWN to report things like
interesting threads to. Along with sending it to UWN, we will also post
a copy of all the information gathered on the Ubuntu Forums, so anyone
that whishes to view the details and specifics of our info can do so.

Summarized mail of remo quintino :

He thinks about creating a launchpad ambassadors team which works on all
sources : forums,mailinglists,irc,..

reaction : It's not entirely clear to us what kind of tasks you envision
the launchpad ambassadors to do. There's probably some overlap between
these projects. Maybe both project can learn from eachother and
cooperate on some stuff. As and when the launchpad ambassadors begin
working the operations of the forum ambassadors can be adjusted easily.

Summarized mail from david farning :
mozillateam shows interest in forum-ambassadors

reaction : We'll be happy to contact you if something mozilla related
comes up. (as I ubuntu_demon already wrote in an email)

matt zimmerman's last mail :

I'm not up-to-date with the status of the forum ambassador proposal, but in
general, I think that more tightly scoped project teams are more successful
than very broad ones.  That sounds like a lot of ground to cover, and
perhaps it would be better to start small.

reaction : Start with a tight scope (helping with bugs,reporting
important bugs to UWN) and slowly broaden the scope to the other tasks
we have defined.

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