Hi there,
I've prepared a survey on Linux PCs, different (and possibly better)
than Dell's one:

In my opinion, Dell did it wrong for two reasons: it didn't clarify
how it will disclose survey's results, and didn't mention Trusted
Computing at all.

My survey is completely Open (results are always shown), and mention
trusted computing in the last question.
Last, but not least, the web page is Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict (Dell's
one is simply messy).

The survey had a warm welcome in italian (more than 1600 votes so
far), and a cold one in english (only about 65 votes).
I think that it could be useful if you could add it in the next ubuntu

Feel free to ask me any further detail.



Ing. Simone Brunozzi

Via del Volontariato, 22 - 06083 Bastia Umbra (PG) - ITALY

Cell. +39 392-1551977 / +39 340-5768488
http://simonao.wordpress.com | www.ubuntista.it | www.nonovvio.it
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