> Hi Jelle,
> Nice to heard from you again. How about the questionnaire feedback? Pls
> fill up the feedback form (in attachment). Your comment is important to
> my research report. The questionnaire URL is this:

I tried the link but it goes to the main site not the survey. If you can also send the
question through email.

1 How long did it take you take to fill-up the questionnaire? (Tick one)
5-10 minuets

2 Is the instruction clear? (Tick one)

3 Do you find any difficulty in answering the questions? Why?
4 Do you find any ambiguity during answering the questionnaire? Why?
No they were basic questions, however they are answered from my point of

5 How do you find the presentation of the questionnaire? (Tick one)
They could be better formatted, but no point of hassling about it.

> Now, my research had done data collection. Collected 1022 responses from
> Generation Y in Malaysia. Most probably the analysis and findings will
> be released on early November. At that time, i will email the findings
> and recommendation branding strategy to you and the Ubuntu Linux
> marketing team. At last step, i need your comment again about the
> recommended branding strategy - to make decision which branding strategy
> is appropriate.

It depends on your goal and your public. You cant do everything in one
time. First you getter a list of resources you have, like time,
material, people.

For example when your approach a technical university, you take a
different strategy when organise a meeting in your local living place.

The best way is to get people using Ubuntu, and help them to keep using
it and tell them step by step about the philosophy.

Best regards,


> Regards,
> Eric Foong
> */Jelle de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     Hi Eric,
>     EricFoong wrote:
>     >
>     > Hi Jellel,
>     >
>     > Nice to meet you. It is glad to meet a young entrepreneur from
>     > Netherlands! After I have read your email, I have the following
>     questions:
>     >
>     > 1. What type of marketing or branding strategy that you have made to
>     > improve awareness of Ubuntu Linux in Netherlands?
>     This is a far to wide question to answer completely. But to summary, we
>     make magazines, we give meetings, we provide irq support, and try to get
>     as much media attention as possible. We also give advice to company's
>     and the government about Floss and Ubuntu.
>     > 2. Why you select the ¡°Moderately Interest¡± option for answer 4
>     and 5
>     > of the question 5 in the questionnaire while other factors as ¡°High
>     > Interest¡±? Do you think the OS that can help consumer to achieve
>     their
>     > personal needs and the emotional benefit (Youth Generation OS, Dancing
>     > with Computer: Use It, Love It, Pass It On) have no impact on the
>     > motivation?
>     I filled in he questionnaire form my point fo view, My point is not the
>     same as the average user. I use Linux because I believe in its
>     philosophy, the fact fact that you can download it at no cost is not
>     relevant for me personally. From the marketing perspective I look at the
>     average user and make a switch in the way the user is motivated to use
>     Linux. Things like money, multimedia, interests, emotional satisfaction,
>     easy use etcetera become important.
>     > 3. Similar to question above, why you select the ¡°Moderately
>     > Important¡± option for answer 4 and 5 of the question 6 in the
>     > questionnaire while other factors as ¡°High Interest¡±? Do you
>     think the
>     > OS that can help consumer to achieve their personal needs and the
>     > satisfaction cannot make the consumer to stay with the same brand?
>     See previous point.
>     > 4. What is your company name and your position in that company?
>     What is
>     > your company website?
>     We got a starting company, that is specialised in the research and
>     development, together with training in the development of embedded hard-
>     and software that is development with only Floss development tools. We
>     are trying to create a new type of base platform for the development
>     with Floss development tools. Starting with ARM micro controllers
>     together with Embedded Linux (ARM-Linux)
>     If somebody want to give feedback or has some questions, I am happy to
>     respond.
>     Best regards,
>     Jelle
>     (PS, everybody good work with gusty, up to the next release :-P)

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