On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 23:45 +0100, Tiago Vieira wrote:
> Hello all, 
> I'm really sorry if I write something wrong here ( and using the
> sentence of Jonathan "If you find my English awful"). I would ask to
> apologise for that. I'm Brazilian (Portuguese as native language),
> living in UK for 2 and a half years and I never touch a book of
> English's Grammar...

I know a lot of Americn native speakers of English who never pick up a
book of English grammar either! LOL No apologies are necessary. Your
English is considerably better than my Portuguese!! Or Spanish! Or
French!! Only my German comes close to your English - and German is my
native language- the one I learned first as a child. I was born in
Stuttgart in 1948 and we moved to the USA in 1953, so I grew up in the
American school system.
> I've received through email today:
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=1906&tag=nl.e539

I will be following his posts with a great deal of interest, since I did
what he is doing a couple of months ago and I am VERY glad I did. You
can read about my experienc here: http://jbotscharow.com/ Enter "Ubuntu"
in the search box.
> Using Marketing theory (more specifically, a High Tech Marketing Model),
> let's say that this kind of article comes from the second level, the
> early adopters... a good way to do marketing without a penny, and the
> best way to get the majority users... If you have a favourite
> application that comes with Ubuntu 8.04, send a message to him and help
> his 4 parts article to be 10 parts! :) 

I will send you my thoughts and I may very well do a post or two on my
blog in response to what he says!!!
> He hasn't mentioned about the GnuCash Accounting, which is really useful
> to me. I've sent an email to him to have a look at that... 

GnuCash is VERY nice app. I used it on Mandriva a few years ago im first
Linux incarnation. I have it installed but have not yet had the time to
set it up on my Xubuntu yet, but will soon.
> Cheers!
> -- 
> ==================================
> # [Tiago Vieira - United Kigdom] #
> #tvieira on irc.freenode.net     #
> #tvieira_at_jabber.org on Jabber #
> #email: tvieira79_at_gmail.com   #
> #blog: http://blog.tvieira.com   #
> ==================================


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