On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:49 PM, John Botscharow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hash: SHA1
> "Making Jobs' bet even more dangerous is the fact that we're about to
> see a whole raft of devices coming out that could give the iPhone 3G
> real competition. Google's open-source operating system for mobile
> phones, Android, is just about ready to be shown off in many handsets,
> from makers such as HTC, Motorola, Samsung and LG Electronics. You can
> bet that many of those phones will be way cheaper than $199. "
> http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1813117,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
> OpenSource cell phones - the marketing implications of this is AWESOME!
> Even if Ubuntu is not involved in the software for these phones, every
> one who gets a FOSS cell phone is a PRIME prospect for a FOSS desktop.
> Maybe there is some way we can get a list of people who buy these cell
> phones and send them a mail survey about how they like the FOSS on
> their phone Every positive response could be sent an Ubuntu disk with
> a printed, easy-to-read installation guide and then get a follow-up
> call from the nearest LoCo offering installation assistance
> The Borg [Microsoft] has a major chink in its armor! And we
> need to be prepared to exploit it.
> A marketing team project???? I think it's worth doing and am willing to
> take it on

This project is not feasible for several reasons. The primary one being that
we'd never be able to get a list of people who buy these products since it
would violate privacy laws in most countries.

Second, who will cover the cost of paper, envelopes, printing, and man

Third... why is someone who buys a cellphone that runs free, open source
software more of a prime candidate than someone who does not? Chances are
they bought the cellphone because it was cheaper not because of
philosophical reasons... and if they did do so for the latter than they
probably already know about Ubuntu and how to get it.

So, by all means you're welcome to attempt this but it certainly isn't a
candidate for being a marketing team project considering we have a hard
enough time organizing efforts for much more tangible goals.

I also have to admit that I find it annoying and disappointing to see such
outlandish ideas being proposed by someone who I thought might breath new
life into a dying team.


> Peace!
> John
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