---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Open Video Alliance <openvideoconfere...@openvideoalliance.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 15:10
Subject: Wireside Chat with Lawrence Lessig tomorrow
To: danny.picciri...@gmail.com

Hey there, The Open Video Alliance is pleased to present the first
ever Wireside
Chat <http://openvideoalliance.org/event/lessig/> on Thursday, Februrary
25th with Lawrence Lessig (that's tomorrow!). Tune in, visit a screening
event in your city, or host your own. *Tuning In* The talk starts this
Thursday at 6:00 PM EST (GMT -5) at http://openvideoalliance.org/lessig.
We’re streaming with the 100% free and open Theora
The easiest and most reliable way to tune in is to use the latest version of
Firefox <http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/upgrade.html>. To make sure
you’re equipped to watch Theora video, visit our
Mirrors are available at http://freeculture.org/lessig/ and
http://icommons.org/events/lessig. You can also attend a screening event in
your city <http://openvideoalliance.org/event/lessig#map>. There are now
over 40 organized events to choose from all over the world, and many events
have local activities planned alongside Lessig’s talk. *Participating* If
you’d like to join the interactive conversation during Lessig’s lecture, use
the hashtag #wireside <http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23wireside> to
submit questions via Twitter/Identica. We welcome your ideas, suggestions,
and photos before and after the event too. Use #wireside across the
web, or e-mail
us <confere...@openvideoalliance.org>. ** *Spotlight on U.S. events:*
In *Boston* <http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/2010/02/lessig>, attend
Lessig’s talk in person.
In *Columbus* <https://carmenwiki.osu.edu//x/sFju>, talk digital media and
join a panel discussion with media makers.
In *New York* <http://bit.ly/wiresidenyc>, enjoy an evening of cool remix
In *Palo 
watch VJs Eclectic Method give a live remix demo.
*Spotlight on international events:*
In *Delhi* <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Delhi_Salon>, check out Delhi’s
first-ever CC Salon, Feb 28th.
In *Guatemala 
the Creative Commons Guatemala team.
In *Sao Paulo* <http://cwsc.ning.com/events/wireside-chat-with-lawrence>,
meet and eat with Brazilian arts and media practitioners.
In *Toronto* <http://lessigtalktoronto.eventbrite.com/>, participate in a
panel with community leaders.
gear up for a whole day of music, video, and remix.

Plus: upcoming non-synchronous events in Manchester (UK), Toulousse (FR),
and re-broadcasts all over the web. For a complete rundown of events, visit our
list <http://openvideoalliance.org/event/lessig#map>. Our thanks to all the
event organizers and guests, especially Flumotion
open streaming services. The Wireside Chat is made possible by iCommons and
the Ford Foundation. Please tune in
6PM EST (GMT -5), for the one-of-a-kind Wireside Chat with Lawrence Lessig.
The Open Video Alliance events team

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