Hi all, I updated the ppaprepare script to do a little more processing
if the git repo has a debian directory. Basically it checks to see if
the git source tree, the current PPA tree, and the newly created (by
uupdate) tree all have debian directories. If so, it scans the git's
debian/changelog to make sure there's an entry for the current ppa
version. If not, then it assumes the git's debian directory is
completely out of date and does nothing. If it's found, it deletes the
changelog that uupdate created (which always gets the version and
platform wrong) and creates a new one with all the new data from your
git/debian/changelog appended to the ppa/debian/changelog. 

So basically this is about as close as you can safely get to running a
single command that does everything for you for a new upstream ppa
release. The git repo doesn't have to be moblin, btw, it can be any Git
URL supplied as the "project" argument.

I have this script (and all my other scripts) in this repo on

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandt, Todd E 
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:04 AM
To: Moblin Devel; ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: ubuntu-mobile PPA Release Script

Hi all, per my AR in this week's ubuntu-mobile meeting I've created a
script that extends what Inuka's script does to automate as much of the
process of pushing to the PPA as possible. The script is run as such:

Usage: ppaprepare [-d outdir] [-u user] project tag
Required Arguments:
   project: repo name (as full URL or just a project name)
   tag: git tag identifying source you want to release
   -d: outdir is the directory to place the source tree
   -u: user is the login id for the git repo

You can provide a project name and optional username to construct the
moblin.org git repo path for the project, or the project argument can
just be the full URL to the repo (this is important if you're not using
moblin.org). Then you supply the tag for your git repo that you want to
upload to the ppa. The script takes care of the rest. The following is
the output of a run for moblin-applets with comments inlined.

[/platform]> ppaprepare -d /tmp
ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/repos/projects/moblin-applets.git

### First it clones the repo, moves to your tag, and creates a source
tarball minus the debian and .git folders. This was lifted more or less
intact from Inuka's script. ###

Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/moblin-applets/.git/
remote: Generating pack...
remote: Done counting 3790 objects.
remote: Deltifying 3790 objects...
remote:  100% (3790/3790) done
Indexing 3790 objects...
remote: Total 3790 (delta 2464), reused 1002 (delta 477)
 100% (3790/3790) done
Resolving 2464 deltas...
 100% (2464/2464) done

Note: moving to "hardy-v0.60" which isn't a local branch
If you want to create a new branch from this checkout, you may do so
(now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
  git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
HEAD is now at 57d6653... preincrement release for test

GIT source tree is at /tmp/moblin-applets-0.60
GIT source tarball is /tmp/moblin-applets-0.60.tar.gz

### The script then pings the ppa.launchpad.net site and determines the
latest version of your package. If your git repo is the same version it
fails and tells you to up your version. If your version is newer it then
grabs the source with dget -x and assembles it locally ###

dget: retrieving
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
100  1717  100  1717    0     0   4378      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
dget: retrieving
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
100 2913k  100 2913k    0     0   359k      0  0:00:08  0:00:08 --:--:--
dget: retrieving
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
100 22247  100 22247    0     0   118k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
dpkg-source: extracting moblin-applets in moblin-applets-0.59
dpkg-source: unpacking moblin-applets_0.59.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: applying ./moblin-applets_0.59-0ubuntu1.diff.gz

### I added in a couple diffs for quick access to what's changed from
the ppa version to your new git version. There's one diff for the source
tree minus the debian directory, and one for just the debian directory.
This is helpful in ensuring that your changes are in and that you
haven't made any unnecesary edits to the debian directory ###

PPA source tree is at /tmp/ppa-moblin-applets/moblin-applets-0.59
PPA vs GIT source diff is
PPA vs GIT debian dir diff is

### Last, the script calls uupdate to create a new source tree that has
the ppa version as the base with the git changes on top. This is the
tree that you need to tar up and send to the PPA once you're sure
everything looks good ###

New Release will be 0.60-1.
Symlinking to pristine source from moblin-applets_0.60.orig.tar.gz...
-- Untarring the new sourcecode archive /tmp/moblin-applets-0.60.tar.gz
Success!  The diffs from version 0.59-0ubuntu1 worked fine.
Remember: Your current directory is the OLD sourcearchive!
Do a "cd ../moblin-applets-0.60" to see the new package

### The script stops after uupdate. You have to merge in any patches and
run debuild yourself before commiting to the PPA. Also, remember that
the version in debian/changelog has to conform to the ubuntu format or
uupdate won't function. Basically project-version-0ubuntu1,2,3... if
that -0ubuntu# isn't there, uupdate will complain and quit. ###

New PPA src directory at /tmp/ppa-moblin-applets/moblin-applets-0.60
Make sure /tmp/ppa-moblin-applets/moblin-applets-0.60 looks ok before
When ready, cd to it and run this command:
debuild -S -sa -k<gpgkey>
Where the gpg key is found via "gpg --list-keys":
  pub   1024D/<gpgkey> 2008-01-01
  uid                  Full Name (My PPA Key) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  sub   2048g/58CF328B 2008-01-01


That's it. Rusty, let me know if you want this (or an updated version
with whatever changes you think are needed) added to the wiki.

Attachment: ppaprepare
Description: ppaprepare

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