On Thu, Sep 04, 2008, Spencer, Bob wrote:
> Image creator that you build from upstream source (git clone
> http://moblin.org/repos/tools/moblin-image-creator.git) has lots of
> platforms in the list and I think many of them are no longer needed and
> even useless.
> Here's the list.  
> Mccaslin-lpia  
> Menlow-lpia

 => Gutsy based, I guess nobody wants these

> Mccaslin-lpia-fedora

 (=> I never used it for obvious reasons   :-P)

 Hmm I don't have this one:
> Mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu
 => no idea

 These are the "old" platforms for hardy:
> Menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy
> Mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa
> Mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa-snapshot
> Menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa
> Menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa-snapshot
 => these were used against ahrdy, hardy + ppa and snapshot of these,
    but now we promote packages from there to the new
    archive.mobile.ubuntu.com (*-ume) so we don't use these and I don't
    expect anyone to, they might work though

> Mccaslin-lpia-ume
> Menlow-lpia-ume

 => that's the final platforms we used for hardy and continue to base
 hardy images on

> Menlow-lpia-moblin2
> Netbook-lpia-moblin2

 (=> moblin 2 stuff)

> Menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-jax10-snapshot1

 Recent addition

> I recommend we trim this to:
> Mccaslin-lpia-fedora  (Samsung Q1 ultra build of Moblin2 (RPM))
> Mccaslin-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa  (Samsung Q1 ultra, latest UME w/PPA
> (DEB))
> Menlow-lpia-moblin2 (Jax10/Menlow build of Moblin2 (RPM))
> Menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa (Jax10/Menlow build of UME (DEB))
> Netbook-lpia-moblin2 (EeePC/Netbook build of Moblin2 (RPM))

 I would mostly care that you keep the *-ume ones instead of the above
 DEB ones.

Loïc Minier

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