Hi folks,

for ubuntu dapper we have allegro4.1, while debian unstable has allegro4.2 
(*and* allegro4.1).

Difference is, that allegro4.2 provides liballegro4.2-dev whereas allegro4.1 
provides liballegro-dev. Most of the rdepends in debian are already migrated 
(and the ones that were merged/synced to dapper) and thus build-depend on 

The following packages would be affected from the transition

package | sync possible | allegro-version unstable | allegro-version dapper
+libdumb | no | 4.2 | 4.1
+wing | no | 4.2 | 4.1
+stax | no | 4.2 | 4.1
*rafkill | yes | 4.2 | 4.2
matrem | yes | 4.2 | 4.1
+liquidwar | no | 4.2 | 4.1
+alogg | no | 4.1 | 4.1
(*)kraptor | no | 4.2 | 4.1 (but can be rebuild)
*kq | yes | 4.2 | 4.2
*kball | no | 4.2 | 4.1 (FTBFS, same version in unstable and dapper)
ire | no | 4.1 | 4.1
atanks | no | 4.1 | 4.1

+: ubuntu specific change to package present
*: currently broken because of unmet dependencies
(*): just uploaded a -xbuild1 version for dependencies

So the question is: Should we go for the allegro4.1 to allegro4.2 transition 
and request allegro4.2 to be synced?

Imo the risk would be minimal, since allegro4.1 wouldn't be removed from the 
archives and we'd be able to change back if hell freezes over ;).

In case there are no objections, I will simulate the whole transition 
beforehand and would (if everything goes well) take care of it.

Attached is the diffstat and changes for 4.1->4.2.

 AUTHORS                               |  229 
 CHANGES                               |  720 ++
 THANKS                                |    3 
 aclocal.m4                            |  203 
 allegro.cfg                           |    3 
 allegro.mft                           |   78 
 configure                             | 1415 +++-
 configure.in                          |   92 
 debian/changelog                      |   33 
 debian/control                        |   41 
 debian/copyright                      |   24 
 debian/rules                          |  124 
 demo/animsel.c                        |  150 
 demo/animsel.h                        |    7 
 demo/aster.c                          |  175 
 demo/aster.h                          |   13 
 demo/bullet.c                         |  103 
 demo/bullet.h                         |   19 
 demo/data.h                           |   83 
 demo/demo.c                           | 2332 ------
 demo/demo.h                           |   94 
 demo/dirty.c                          |  108 
 demo/dirty.h                          |   10 
 demo/display.c                        |  216 
 demo/display.h                        |   20 
 demo/expl.c                           |   74 
 demo/expl.h                           |   16 
 demo/game.c                           |  523 +
 demo/game.h                           |   18 
 demo/star.c                           |  133 
 demo/star.h                           |   15 
 demo/title.c                          |  908 ++
 demo/title.h                          |    9 
 docs/build/linux.txt                  |   44 
 docs/build/macosx.txt                 |   33 
 docs/build/msvc.txt                   |   42 
 docs/build/unix.txt                   |   65 
 docs/scite/tmpfile.txt                |    1 
 docs/src/abi._tx                      |   94 
 docs/src/ahack._tx                    |   83 
 docs/src/allegro._tx                  | 8405 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 docs/src/api._tx                      |   23 
 docs/src/build/linux._tx              |   46 
 docs/src/build/macosx._tx             |   33 
 docs/src/build/msvc._tx               |   46 
 docs/src/build/unix._tx               |   64 
 docs/src/changes._tx                  |  710 ++
 docs/src/const._tx                    |    9 
 docs/src/dat._tx                      |  210 
 docs/src/dat2c._tx                    |  109 
 docs/src/dat2s._tx                    |   81 
 docs/src/datafile._tx                 |  304 
 docs/src/faq._tx                      |   63 
 docs/src/grabber._tx                  |  299 
 docs/src/help._tx                     |   58 
 docs/src/index._tx                    |   30 
 docs/src/license._tx                  |   28 
 docs/src/makedoc._tx                  |  139 
 docs/src/makedoc/format.txt           |   34 
 docs/src/makedoc/makechm.c            |   49 
 docs/src/makedoc/makedevh.c           |  114 
 docs/src/makedoc/makedoc.c            |   78 
 docs/src/makedoc/makedoc.h            |    4 
 docs/src/makedoc/makehtml.c           |  430 +
 docs/src/makedoc/makeman.c            |   63 
 docs/src/makedoc/makeman.h            |    2 
 docs/src/makedoc/makemisc.c           |   24 
 docs/src/makedoc/makemisc.h           |    3 
 docs/src/makedoc/makertf.c            |   12 
 docs/src/makedoc/makesci.c            |  182 
 docs/src/makedoc/makesci.h            |    6 
 docs/src/makedoc/maketexi.c           |   74 
 docs/src/makedoc/maketxt.c            |   11 
 docs/src/mistakes._tx                 |   88 
 docs/src/readme._tx                   |   50 
 docs/src/thanks._tx                   |  232 
 docs/txt/abi.txt                      |  103 
 docs/txt/ahack.txt                    |   92 
 docs/txt/allegro.txt                  | 6718 ++++++++++++++-----
 docs/txt/const.txt                    |    9 
 docs/txt/faq.txt                      |   64 
 docs/txt/help.txt                     |   63 
 docs/txt/mistakes.txt                 |   76 
 docs/txt/tmpfile.zzz                  |    1 
 examples/ex12bit.c                    |   87 
 examples/ex3buf.c                     |   82 
 examples/ex3d.c                       |   77 
 examples/exaccel.c                    |   44 
 examples/exalpha.c                    |   25 
 examples/examples.txt                 |   94 
 examples/exbitmap.c                   |   18 
 examples/exblend.c                    |   18 
 examples/excamera.c                   |   72 
 examples/excolmap.c                   |   91 
 examples/exconfig.c                   |   60 
 examples/exconfig.ini                 |    2 
 examples/excustom.c                   |    8 
 examples/exdata.c                     |   18 
 examples/exdbuf.c                     |    4 
 examples/exdodgy.c                    |  113 
 examples/exexedat.c                   |   35 
 examples/exfixed.c                    |   13 
 examples/exflame.c                    |   16 
 examples/exflip.c                     |    4 
 examples/exfont.c                     |   84 
 examples/exgui.c                      |   28 
 examples/exhello.c                    |    4 
 examples/exjoy.c                      |    4 
 examples/exkeys.c                     |   74 
 examples/exlights.c                   |   34 
 examples/exmem.c                      |    4 
 examples/exmidi.c                     |   65 
 examples/exmouse.c                    |   56 
 examples/expackf.c                    |  464 +
 examples/expal.c                      |    7 
 examples/expat.c                      |    4 
 examples/exquat.c                     |   24 
 examples/exrgbhsv.c                   |  253 
 examples/exsample.c                   |   14 
 examples/exscale.c                    |    4 
 examples/exscn3d.c                    |   41 
 examples/exscroll.c                   |   81 
 examples/exshade.c                    |   32 
 examples/exspline.c                   |   38 
 examples/exsprite.c                   |  193 
 examples/exstars.c                    |   91 
 examples/exstream.c                   |   38 
 examples/exswitch.c                   |   25 
 examples/exsyscur.c                   |  122 
 examples/extimer.c                    |   35 
 examples/extrans.c                    |   21 
 examples/extruec.c                    |   15 
 examples/exunicod.c                   |  188 
 examples/exupdate.c                   |   60 
 examples/exxfade.c                    |   24 
 examples/exzbuf.c                     |   34 
 fix.bat                               |   92 
 fix.sh                                |    3 
 include/allegro.h                     |    8 
 include/allegro/3d.h                  |   12 
 include/allegro/3dmaths.h             |    4 
 include/allegro/alcompat.h            |   28 
 include/allegro/alinline.h            |    2 
 include/allegro/base.h                |   10 
 include/allegro/color.h               |    4 
 include/allegro/datafile.h            |    6 
 include/allegro/debug.h               |    2 
 include/allegro/digi.h                |   17 
 include/allegro/draw.h                |   24 
 include/allegro/file.h                |   57 
 include/allegro/fixed.h               |    2 
 include/allegro/font.h                |   72 
 include/allegro/gfx.h                 |   57 
 include/allegro/gui.h                 |    2 
 include/allegro/inline/3dmaths.inl    |    8 
 include/allegro/inline/color.inl      |    4 
 include/allegro/inline/draw.inl       |  205 
 include/allegro/inline/file.inl       |   59 
 include/allegro/inline/fix.inl        |    8 
 include/allegro/inline/fmaths.inl     |   49 
 include/allegro/inline/gfx.inl        |   27 
 include/allegro/internal/aintern.h    |  442 -
 include/allegro/internal/aintvga.h    |   24 
 include/allegro/internal/alconfig.h   |   85 
 include/allegro/keyboard.h            |  444 -
 include/allegro/lzss.h                |   47 
 include/allegro/midi.h                |    4 
 include/allegro/mouse.h               |   24 
 include/allegro/platform/aintbeos.h   |   14 
 include/allegro/platform/aintlnx.h    |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/aintmac.h    |    6 
 include/allegro/platform/aintosx.h    |   40 
 include/allegro/platform/aintqnx.h    |    8 
 include/allegro/platform/aintunix.h   |   15 
 include/allegro/platform/aintwin.h    |   32 
 include/allegro/platform/al386gcc.h   |   12 
 include/allegro/platform/al386vc.h    |    8 
 include/allegro/platform/al386wat.h   |    6 
 include/allegro/platform/albcc32.h    |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/albecfg.h    |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/aldjgpp.h    |   15 
 include/allegro/platform/aldos.h      |   10 
 include/allegro/platform/almaccfg.h   |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/almngw32.h   |    6 
 include/allegro/platform/almsvc.h     |    1 
 include/allegro/platform/alosx.h      |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/alosxcfg.h   |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/alqnxcfg.h   |    2 
 include/allegro/platform/alunix.h     |  185 
 include/allegro/platform/alunixac.hin |   25 
 include/allegro/platform/alwatcom.h   |   12 
 include/allegro/platform/alwin.h      |    8 
 include/allegro/platform/astdint.h    |   49 
 include/allegro/system.h              |  100 
 include/allegro/text.h                |   38 
 include/allegro/timer.h               |   11 
 include/allegro/unicode.h             |   10 
 include/bealleg.h                     |    2 
 include/xalleg.h                      |   26 
 indent.pro                            |    2 
 lib/bcc32/allegro.def                 |  106 
 lib/mingw32/allegro.def               | 2704 +++----
 lib/msvc/allegro.def                  | 2704 +++----
 lib/rsxnt/tmpfile.txt                 |    1 
 mactests/tmpfile.txt                  |    1 
 makefile.all                          |  160 
 makefile.bcc                          |    7 
 makefile.be                           |   18 
 makefile.dj                           |   16 
 makefile.in                           |   39 
 makefile.lst                          |   95 
 makefile.mgw                          |   25 
 makefile.osx                          |   94 
 makefile.qnx                          |   16 
 makefile.vc                           |  103 
 makefile.ver                          |    9 
 makefile.wat                          |    4 
 misc/Info.plist                       |    3 
 misc/allegro-config-qnx.sh            |    2 
 misc/allegro-config.in                |    5 
 misc/allegro.m4                       |    2 
 misc/allegro.spec                     |   17 
 misc/depmexe.sh                       |    6 
 misc/dllsyms.lst                      |  106 
 misc/genexamp.py                      |   82 
 misc/mdhelper.bat                     |   14 
 misc/mdhelper.sh                      |   11 
 misc/mkunixdists.sh                   |    2 
 misc/msvchelp.c                       |   49 
 misc/pkgreadme._tx                    |    4 
 misc/project.pbxproj                  |    1 
 misc/release.txt                      |   97 
 misc/zipup.sh                         |    2 
 obj/bcc32/alld/makefile.dep           | 5007 ++++++++------
 obj/bcc32/alleg/makefile.dep          | 5007 ++++++++------
 obj/bcc32/allp/makefile.dep           | 5007 ++++++++------
 obj/beos/alld/makefile.dep            |11334 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/beos/alleg/makefile.dep           |11334 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/beos/allp/makefile.dep            |11334 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/djgpp/alld/makefile.dep           |11953 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/djgpp/alleg/makefile.dep          |11953 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/djgpp/allp/makefile.dep           |11953 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/macosx/alld/makefile.dep          |11112 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/macosx/alleg/makefile.dep         |11112 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/macosx/allp/makefile.dep          |11112 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/mingw32/alld/makefile.dep         |12013 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/mingw32/alld_s/makefile.dep       |12013 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/mingw32/alleg/makefile.dep        |12013 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/mingw32/alleg_s/makefile.dep      |12013 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/mingw32/allp/makefile.dep         |12013 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/mingw32/allp_s/makefile.dep       |12013 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 obj/msvc/alld/makefile.dep            |12014 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 obj/msvc/alld_s/makefile.dep          |12014 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 obj/msvc/alleg/makefile.dep           |12014 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 obj/msvc/alleg_s/makefile.dep         |12014 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 obj/msvc/allp/makefile.dep            |12014 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 obj/msvc/allp_s/makefile.dep          |12014 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 obj/qnx/alld/makefile.dep             |10165 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/qnx/alleg/makefile.dep            |10165 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/qnx/allp/makefile.dep             |10165 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/rsxnt/alld/tmpfile.txt            |    1 
 obj/rsxnt/alleg/tmpfile.txt           |    1 
 obj/rsxnt/allp/tmpfile.txt            |    1 
 obj/watcom/alld/makefile.dep          |10522 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/watcom/alleg/makefile.dep         |10522 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 obj/watcom/allp/makefile.dep          |10522 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 osx_fixes.diff                        |  159 
 patch                                 |   12 
 perl/tmpfile.txt                      |    1 
 readme.txt                            |   48 
 setup/keyconf.c                       |   55 
 setup/setup.c                         |    6 
 src/allegro.c                         |   44 
 src/amd64/acpus.s                     |  130 
 src/amd64/asmdefs.inc                 |   95 
 src/beos/bdwindow.cpp                 |    7 
 src/beos/bgfx.c                       |    5 
 src/beos/bkey.c                       |    1 
 src/beos/bkeyapi.cpp                  |    6 
 src/beos/bmousapi.cpp                 |    6 
 src/beos/bmouse.c                     |    4 
 src/beos/bsysapi.cpp                  |    6 
 src/beos/btimer.c                     |    4 
 src/beos/bwscreen.cpp                 |   24 
 src/blit.c                            |  207 
 src/bmp.c                             |  101 
 src/c/ccpu.c                          |    4 
 src/c/cdefs15.h                       |    6 
 src/c/cdefs16.h                       |    6 
 src/c/cdefs24.h                       |    8 
 src/c/cdefs32.h                       |   10 
 src/c/cdefs8.h                        |    6 
 src/c/cmisc.c                         |    5 
 src/c/cscan.h                         |   28 
 src/c/cspr.h                          |    6 
 src/c/cstretch.c                      |   65 
 src/c/czscan.h                        |   30 
 src/colblend.c                        |   10 
 src/color.c                           |   22 
 src/config.c                          |  156 
 src/datafile.c                        |   59 
 src/digmid.c                          |    6 
 src/dither.c                          |   84 
 src/dos/dkeybd.c                      |    7 
 src/dos/dma.c                         |    2 
 src/dos/dmouse.c                      |   28 
 src/dos/dsystem.c                     |   14 
 src/dos/dtimer.c                      |    8 
 src/dos/emu8k.c                       |   46 
 src/dos/emu8kmid.c                    |    4 
 src/dos/gpro.c                        |    6 
 src/dos/gripjoy.c                     |   10 
 src/dos/pic.c                         |    2 
 src/dos/sw.c                          |    2 
 src/dos/vesa.c                        |    4 
 src/dos/wat.c                         |    8 
 src/dos/wss.c                         |    4 
 src/dos/ww.c                          |    6 
 src/drvlist.c                         |    1 
 src/file.c                            | 1890 ++---
 src/fli.c                             |   29 
 src/flood.c                           |    4 
 src/font.c                            |  816 ++
 src/fontbios.c                        |   63 
 src/fontbmp.c                         |  271 
 src/fontdat.c                         |   96 
 src/fontgrx.c                         |  120 
 src/fonttxt.c                         |  114 
 src/fsel.c                            |   81 
 src/gfx.c                             |   59 
 src/glyph.c                           |    4 
 src/graphics.c                        |  183 
 src/gsprite.c                         |   11 
 src/gui.c                             |  176 
 src/guiproc.c                         |  262 
 src/i386/asmdef.c                     |    7 
 src/i386/blit.inc                     |    3 
 src/i386/iblit16.s                    |   15 
 src/i386/iblit24.s                    |   24 
 src/i386/iblit32.s                    |   15 
 src/i386/iblit8.s                     |   18 
 src/i386/icpu.c                       |   26 
 src/i386/icpus.s                      |    2 
 src/i386/iscan.s                      |    4 
 src/i386/ispr8.s                      |   30 
 src/i386/istretch.c                   |   25 
 src/joystick.c                        |    6 
 src/keyboard.c                        |  112 
 src/linux/fbcon.c                     |   29 
 src/linux/ljoy.c                      |   44 
 src/linux/lkeybd.c                    |  168 
 src/linux/lmemory.c                   |    5 
 src/linux/lmseev.c                    |   57 
 src/linux/lmsegpmd.c                  |    4 
 src/linux/lmsems.c                    |    8 
 src/linux/lmseps2.c                   |    8 
 src/linux/lsystem.c                   |    2 
 src/linux/ltimer.c                    |    5 
 src/linux/lvga.c                      |    2 
 src/linux/svgalib.c                   |    1 
 src/lzss.c                            |  548 +
 src/mac/madb.c                        |    1 
 src/mac/mdraw.c                       |    1 
 src/mac/msys.c                        |    1 
 src/macosx/hidjoy.m                   |  406 -
 src/macosx/hidman.m                   |  455 -
 src/macosx/keybd.m                    |    3 
 src/macosx/main.m                     |   93 
 src/macosx/pcpu.m                     |   29 
 src/macosx/qtmidi.m                   |    2 
 src/macosx/quartz.m                   |    2 
 src/macosx/qzfull.m                   |   44 
 src/macosx/qzmouse.m                  |  303 
 src/macosx/qzwindow.m                 |  222 
 src/macosx/system.m                   |  226 
 src/math3d.c                          |   24 
 src/midi.c                            |   72 
 src/misc/ccolconv.c                   |   80 
 src/misc/icolconv.s                   |    8 
 src/misc/modex.c                      |   86 
 src/misc/modexgfx.s                   |   10 
 src/misc/modexsms.c                   |   44 
 src/misc/modexsms.h                   |    1 
 src/misc/pckeys.c                     |   51 
 src/misc/vbeaf.c                      |   55 
 src/misc/vbeafex.c                    |   15 
 src/misc/vga.c                        |    7 
 src/misc/vgaregs.c                    |    8 
 src/mixer.c                           |    2 
 src/modesel.c                         |  107 
 src/mouse.c                           |  284 
 src/pcx.c                             |   68 
 src/poly3d.c                          |   18 
 src/polygon.c                         |    9 
 src/qnx/qkeydrv.c                     |    3 
 src/qnx/qmouse.c                      |    4 
 src/qnx/qphfull.c                     |    3 
 src/qnx/qphwin.c                      |    1 
 src/qnx/qsystem.c                     |    4 
 src/quantize.c                        |   10 
 src/quat.c                            |   78 
 src/readbmp.c                         |    5 
 src/readfont.c                        |  172 
 src/readsmp.c                         |    3 
 src/rle.c                             |   12 
 src/rotate.c                          |   45 
 src/scene3d.c                         |    2 
 src/sound.c                           |  357 -
 src/spline.c                          |    2 
 src/tga.c                             |  115 
 src/timer.c                           |   34 
 src/unicode.c                         |    8 
 src/unix/alsa5.c                      |    8 
 src/unix/alsa9.c                      |   39 
 src/unix/alsamidi.c                   |    2 
 src/unix/arts.c                       |    8 
 src/unix/jack.c                       |   24 
 src/unix/sgial.c                      |    8 
 src/unix/udjgpp.c                     |    3 
 src/unix/uesd.c                       |    8 
 src/unix/ufile.c                      |   16 
 src/unix/umain.c                      |    4 
 src/unix/umodules.c                   |    1 
 src/unix/uoss.c                       |   10 
 src/unix/uossmidi.c                   |    4 
 src/unix/usnddrv.c                    |   16 
 src/unix/usystem.c                    |  192 
 src/unix/uthreads.c                   |   25 
 src/unix/utimer.c                     |   78 
 src/vtable15.c                        |   22 
 src/vtable16.c                        |   22 
 src/vtable24.c                        |   22 
 src/vtable32.c                        |   22 
 src/vtable8.c                         |   22 
 src/win/asmlock.s                     |    4 
 src/win/dllver.rc                     |   14 
 src/win/gdi.c                         |    3 
 src/win/wddaccel.c                    |   36 
 src/win/wddbmp.c                      |   64 
 src/win/wddbmpl.c                     |    6 
 src/win/wddfull.c                     |    9 
 src/win/wddlock.c                     |   16 
 src/win/wddmode.c                     |   36 
 src/win/wddovl.c                      |   63 
 src/win/wddraw.c                      |  225 
 src/win/wddraw.h                      |   26 
 src/win/wddwin.c                      |  100 
 src/win/wdispsw.c                     |   38 
 src/win/wdsinput.c                    |   26 
 src/win/wdsndmix.c                    |  401 -
 src/win/wdsound.c                     |   59 
 src/win/wdxver.c                      |   68 
 src/win/wgdi.c                        |   19 
 src/win/winput.c                      |   88 
 src/win/wjoydx.c                      |   15 
 src/win/wjoyw32.c                     |    6 
 src/win/wkeybd.c                      |  408 -
 src/win/wmidi.c                       |  105 
 src/win/wmouse.c                      |  127 
 src/win/wsndwo.c                      |   22 
 src/win/wsystem.c                     |   13 
 src/win/wthread.c                     |    9 
 src/win/wtimer.c                      |   32 
 src/win/wwnd.c                        |  111 
 src/x/xdga2.c                         |  104 
 src/x/xgfxdrv.c                       |  126 
 src/x/xkeybd.c                        |  183 
 src/x/xkeyboard.c                     |  818 ++
 src/x/xmouse.c                        |   49 
 src/x/xsystem.c                       |   93 
 src/x/xtimer.c                        |    5 
 src/x/xvtable.c                       |  211 
 src/x/xwin.c                          | 1509 +---
 src/x/xwin.h                          |   25 
 src/x/xwins.s                         |   14 
 tests/afinfo.c                        |    2 
 tests/akaitest.c                      |    2 
 tests/digitest.c                      |    2 
 tests/mathtest.c                      |    2 
 tests/miditest.c                      |    2 
 tests/play.c                          |    4 
 tests/playfli.c                       |    2 
 tests/test.c                          |  342 
 tests/vesainfo.c                      |    2 
 tests/win/dxwindow.c                  |    2 
 tests/win/scrsave.c                   |   17 
 todo.txt                              |   87 
 tools/colormap.c                      |   20 
 tools/dat.c                           |   76 
 tools/dat2c.c                         |    2 
 tools/dat2s.c                         |    3 
 tools/datedit.c                       |   37 
 tools/datedit.h                       |    3 
 tools/exedat.c                        |   10 
 tools/grabber.c                       |  314 
 tools/grabber.txt                     | 1125 ---
 tools/macosx/fixbundle.c              |    9 
 tools/pack.c                          |    2 
 tools/pat2dat.c                       |    4 
 tools/plugins/datfont.c               |  619 -
 tools/plugins/datimage.c              |   45 
 tools/plugins/datsamp.c               |    6 
 tools/rgbmap.c                        |   16 
 tools/textconv.c                      |    4 
 tools/x11/xf2pcx.c                    |    5 
 tools/x11/xfixicon.sh                 |    4 
 tools/x11/xkeymap.c                   |  266 
 uvf_allegro.txt                       |  714 ++
 wintests/tmpfile.txt                  |    1 
 509 files changed, 238605 insertions(+), 145584 deletions(-)
============ Changes from 4.2.0 RC2 to 4.2.0 (October 2005) ============

   Peter Wang made fixmul() detect overflows as it used to do in the 4.0.x

   Dennis Busch found a bug where d_clear_proc would not work properly if the
   GUI target bitmap is different from screen.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made Allegro log all TRACE output with a prefix 
   in the format "al-system level: ". This makes it easier to grep debug logs.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made dialogs with MSG_CHAR/MSG_UCHAR handlers
   honor a D_CLOSE return flag without a D_USED_CHAR.

   Peter Hull fixed problems with the mouse position as reported by Allegro and 
   the mouse position as known to OS X.

   Peter Hull made Command-Q not close the application if no exit-button
   callback is registered.

   Peter Hull fixed problems with joysticks under MacOS X as reported by
   Thomas Harte.

   Peter Hull fixed a bug preventing more than one Allegro application from 
   being run at a time on Mac OS X. Reported by Thomas Harte.

   Peter Hull did a lot of other things for the MacOS X port too.

   Jiri Gabriel fixed loading of multiple ranges in a single bitmap with txt 

   Milan Mimica and Jiri Gabriel fixed several bugs in extract_font_range.

   Dennis Busch fixed a Unicode bug in the mode selector.

   Evert Glebbeek added FA_ALL and FA_NONE file attribute flags.

   Peter Hull fixed a deadlock in OS X when calling vsync() while the screen 
   was acquired.

   Robert Alfonso fixed a grabber crash when importing a new font range into an
   existing font. Reported by Milan Mimica.

   Chris Robinson fixed the fileselector in UNIXnot properly recognising 
   filenames containing UTF-8 characters.

   Hrvoje Ban and Peter Wang wrote a documentation section that explains
   several common mistakes.

   Elias Pschernig disabled DGA auto-detection under X11

   i_am_drv added support for .rmi midis to the midi reader

   Elias Pschernig fixed a fix-point overflow in pivot_sprite.

   Michal Molhanec fixed several problems with the Watcom compiler.

   Peter Hull fixed an error with 'make uninstall' on MacOS X.

   Matthew Leverton added a programs: makefile target.

   Many small fixes and improvements by Michal Molhanec, Peter Hull, Chris 
   Robinson, Peter Wang and Elias Pschernig.

   Documentation improvements by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz, Tore Halse and 
   Peter Hull.

============ Changes from 4.2.0 RC1 to 4.2.0 RC2 (August 2005) ============

   Grady Martin made the grabber consider deleting object properties as a
   change to the datafile.

   Milan Mimica fixed numerous bugs in extract_font_range().

   Peter Hull moved the 'magic chdir' in the MacOS X port to earlier in the
   startup process, so that the config file will be looked for in the
   resource directory if is present.

   Chris Robinson made create_bitmap(0,0) not return a bitmap that would
   later crash destroy_bitmap().  Zero-sized bitmaps are still not allowed so
   the assertions for debug mode have not changed.

   Elias Pschernig patched the Windows keyboard driver to get key_shifts
   working again with KB_SHIFT_FLAG, KB_CTRL_FLAG, KB_ALT_FLAG on Win98.

   Peter Wang changed hline and vline into aliases for internal symbols to
   avoid a conflict with the curses API. This change should be transparent
   for users.

   Matthew Leverton and Michal Molhanec updated the build system for MSVC 8.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz prevented make_relative_filename() from crashing
   with malformed parameters.

   Hrvoje Ban made ASSERT() actually abort in Windows.

   Chris Robinson made GUI menus work with gui_screen.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed reading of 32 bit Windows .bmp files, which was not
   supported.  These files seem to be not very standard though, so it's
   unclear if it will always do the right thing.  Alpha channels also seem
   not to be standard in 32 bit BMP files, so it's possible they're not read
   in correctly.

   Peter Wang and Peter Hull updated the ABI compatibility document.  This
   documents our policy for the 4.2.x series.

   Extensive documentation updates from Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz and minor
   updates due to Michael Faerber, Robert Ohannessian and Milan Mimica.

============ Changes from 4.2.0 beta 4 to 4.2.0 RC1 (August 2005) ============

   Peter Hull fixed the MacOS X port to avoid an issue with the dead bootstrap 
   context and cleaned up the dock notification. This means command line
   apps (with SYSTEM_NONE) run without the dock being notified.

   Peter Wang Added a COLORCONV_KEEP_ALPHA flag, as suggested by Gideon Weems.

   Peter Wang fixed issues with OSS in OpenBSD and made the configure script
   print a warning if Allegro is compiled without X11 support.

   Peter Hull set the compatibility version to 4.2.0 for MacOS X and added a 
   MacOS X help file.

   Peter Wang made the Mode-X and VBE/AF drivers fail if Allegro is compiled 
   as a C-only library in Linux and made the Unix port install liballeg*.so 
   and the alleg-*.so modules with the execute permission enabled.

   Grady Martin standardised some of the grabber dialog boxes and added a `move'
   command to the grabber.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug when loading some old datafiles containing 
   monochrome fonts.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug that prevented system cursors from working 
   correctly in Windows.

   Olivier Blin fixed compilation problems for the ModeX driver with newer 

   Shawn Walker fixed a bug in get_executable_name under some UNIX systems.

   Shawn Walker worked around a problem with some versions of GNU AS and fixed 
   some errors in the configure script when not using GCC.

   Elias Pschernig made create_sample not unnecessarily clear the sample to 0.

   Bobby Ferris fixed the makedoc SciTE API output.

   Elias Pschernig fixed a too strict assert that prevented set_volume from 
   working in debug mode.

   Paavo Ahola helped fix a problem with BCC and the C implementations of 

   Elias Pschernig fixed a cosmetic bug where the listbox was drawing a too big 
   selection rectangle, reported by dthompson.

   Documentation and example updates by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz, Peter
   Wang, Elias Pschernig Michal Molhanec and Evert Glebbeek.

============ Changes from 4.2.0 beta 3 to 4.2.0 beta 4 (June 2005) ============

   Matthew Leverton changed the default behavior of the grabber: default color 
   depth is now the desktop, default mode is windowed and if fullscreen is
   specified, then desktop resolution is used by default.

   Peter Wang fixed compilation problems related to get_modex_screen() on
   UNIX and deprecated it.

   Robert Ohannessian fixed compilation problems for the assembler code with 
   newer binutils.

   Peter Wang, Thomas Harte and Evert Glebbeek optimised fixmul() for different

   Robert Alfonso fixed a couple of warnings that with DJGPP.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made the FLIC player yield.

   Miran Amon fixed an arbitrary limit in get_config_argv(). Evert Glebbeek
   fixed a memory leak in same.

   Thomas Klausner fixed a problem in allegro.m4 and automake 1.8+.

   Charles Wardlaw fixed some warnings with gcc 4 on MacOS X.

   Elias Pschernig removed the `256 items' limit from the dat utility.

   Julien Cugniere fixed a crash in the GUI if a new dialog was opened while
   a menu was still open.

   Shawn Walker fixed crashes with the keyboard driver under Solaris.

   Elias Pschernig split the demo game into multiple files and made the
   makefile handle a multi-file demo game.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug where the hardware mouse wasn't displayed in
   Windows until the mouse was moved.

   J.P. Morris fixed rest_callback() under UNIX.

   Shawn Walker and Evert Glebbeek fixed get_executable_name() under
   Solaris and OpenBSD.

   Peter Hull fixed compilation problems with setAppleMenu under Tiger.

   Peter Hull fixed a deadlock on MacOS X related to mouse updating.

   Peter Wang fixed a problem with compiling the VBE/AF driver using newer 

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug with colour conversions when loading a font from
   a datafile.

   Many code, example and documentation updates by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz, 
   Elias Pschernig, Peter Wang, Evert Glebbeek, Andrei Ellman,
   Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva, Matthew Leverton, AJ, Michal Molhanec
   and Hrvoje Ban.

============ Changes from 4.2.0 beta 2 to 4.2.0 beta 3 (May 2005) ============

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz did several documentation updates.

   Evert Glebbeek cleaned up some of the global namespace pollution in the 
   Windows port.

   Chris Robinson made improvements to the Windows sound driver.

   Chris Robinson made the GUI multi-selection box behave a bit nicer.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz added a bunch of ASSERTs to the code to check for
   out-of-range arguments.

   Jakub Wasilewski fixed a bug when loading greyscale TGA images.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug where the bottom and right line of pixels was 
   not updated on show_video_bitmap, as pointed out by Thomas Harte.

   Evert Glebbeek documented JOY_TYPE_* defines for Windows and Linux.

   Dark Nation restored the ability to read old-style encrypted packfiles, 
   i.e. those produced before Allegro 3.9.30.  This was silently removed
   from 4.1.18 when custom packfile support / decoupled compression routines 
   were added.

   Evert Glebbeek made the grabber and dat utilities now use Allegro's builtin 
   load_font() function and made datafiles properly store truecolour fonts and
   added a datedit_select() callback to datedit.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed some unsafe assumptions on the size of integer 

   Arthur Huillet fixed a typo in the docs.

   Elias Pschernig restored Alt+key = ASCII code 0 behavior for the Windows 
   keyboard driver

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug that caused a crash when loading Allegro 1.x
   datafiles containing 4 bit bitmaps.

   Peter Wang clarified the mode select documentation and made the mode 
   selector clear the input variables before passing them on to the filter.

   Peter Wang fixed a bug in the mode selector where disabled drivers were 
   still shown with empty resolution lists. Pointed out by Hrvoje Ban.

   Elias Pschernig fixed Allegro's internal multithreading in Windows. This
   fixes a deadlock on exit.

   Robert Alfonso made the MSVC makefile call `link /lib' rather than `lib',
   which doesn't work for the free toolkit.

   Peter Hull fixed a problem with hardware cursors not working properly in 
   MacOS X.

   Peter Hull added a missing enable_hardware_cursor vtable entry and added OS 
   native cursors for the MacOS X port.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz documented the online Allegro patch generator.

   Evert Glebbeek renamed datafiles._tx -> datafile._tx

   StApostol updated the FAQ to use rest(0) instead of the deprecated 

   Evert Glebbeek silenced some GCC4 warnings in MacOS X.

   Peter Wang fixed warnings and errors with gcc 4.0.0 on the Unix port; 
   reported by Milan Mimica.

   Peter Wang added the preprocessor symbol ALLEGRO_NO_FIX_CLASS that the user
   can define to not pull in the `fix' class in C++ programs.

   Peter Wang removed the exdodgy example.

   Elias Pschernig fixed another X11 async reply bug.

   Elias Pschernig made the seek in expackf test work with CR/LF line endings.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a small bug that prevented the Allegro template for 
   Project Builder from installing correctly on MacOSX.

   Elias Pschernig enabled warnings about unused variables with
   --enable-strictwarn in unix.

   Peter Wang fixed a warning with Watcom 1.3.

============ Changes from 4.2.0 beta 1 to 4.2.0 beta 2 (April 2005) ============

   Daniel Schlyder fixed a problem with the makefile in Windows.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug that prevented true colour fonts from working.

   Peter Wang fixed a possible deadlock in dialog_message.

   Elias Pschernig fixed a bug where the DJGPP version would choke on a missing

   Peter Hull made makedoc return an error code if it failed to build the
   SciTE documentation.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a problem with incorrect dependencies being generated
   for MacOS X.

   Tobi Vollebregt fixed a problem in X11 if the XRGBACursor extension was

   Evert Glebbeek made configure use k8 rather than athlon64 as a compiler
   switch on AMD64.

   Peter Wang and Elias Pschernig added a packfile example.

   Michal Molhanec fixed a problem in the MSVC makefile.

   Evert Glebbeek removed void*-arithmetic from the colour converter.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug where hardware cursors would stop working.

   Elias Pschernig, Andrew Chew fixed and Tobi Vollebregt fixed several
   problems with the Windows keyboard driver.

   Elias Pschernig fixed bug in unix dependency generation.

   Elias Pschernig made the GUI not mess up the hardware cursor.

   Elias Pschernig removed pckeys.c and keyconf from the windows port, since 
   the dinput driver no longer needs pckeys.c nor uses keyboard.dat.

   Daniel Schlyder fixed a problem with the -mtune switch on older gcc based 

   Matthew Leverton figured out which versions of Watcom have inttypes.h and

   V Karthik Kumar added a password to the Windows screensaver example.

   Cosmetic fixes, example bugfixes and spelling corrections by Jon Rafkind, 
   Evert Glebbeek, Peter Wang, StApostol and Elias Pschernig.

============ Changes from 4.1.18 to 4.2.0 beta (March 2005) ============

   Peter Wang fixed many problems on AMD64 in Linux - it should now work fine.

   Peter Hull added CPU detection to the MacOS X port.

   Peter Hull fixed some problems related to /usr/local/bin not existing in 
   recent versions of MacOS X.

   Elias Pschernig and Peter Wang rewrote the Windows keyboard driver so it
   no longer needs keyboard.dat.

   Elias Pschernig added a show_os_cursor function as an alternative to
   show_mouse() for system cursors.

   Evert Glebbeek and Peter Wang added an example programme for system cursors.

   Elias Pschernig fixed a deadlocks in X11 related to scare_mouse() and
   keyboard repeats and fixed async replies.

   Daniel Schlyder fixed the gcc -mcpu is deprecated warnings.

   Peter Wang added an astdint.h, which provides C99 typedefs for pre-C99

   AJ added detection for DirectX 8 and 9 to the Windows port.

   Evert Glebbeek added detection for AMD64 to the UNIX port and test

   Elias Pschernig added a get_midi_length function and a midi_time variable.

   Elias Pschernig fixed a problem where Allegro would ignore a user-specified
   configuration file if set_config_file() was called before allegro_init().

   Evert Glebbeek added a transpose_font function.

   Evert Glebbeek added support for true colour fonts and a font example.

   Elias Pschernig fixed a problem in shutdown_dialog() reported by Tobi

   Marcio Fialho fixed some issues with displaying author names in the demo 

   Andrei Ellman fixed a problem in the MSVC makefile when building Allegro 
   with Cygwin.

   Daniel Schlyder fixed (again) problems with creating directories in 
   different setups in Windows.

   Elias Pschernig added documentation for the custom packfile functions.

   Jeff Mitchell fixed the location of grabber.txt in the spec file.

   Harshavardhana Reddy added a Kannada greeting to exunicod.

   Elias Pschernig cleaned up the example programmes.

   Peter Wang made it possible to disable the hardware cursor in X by passing
   an option to the configure script.

   AJ and Michal Molhanec added an MSVC 7 configure option and added an msvc7 
   switch to fix.bat. Karthik Kumar did the same for the Intel compiler icl.

   Mr_Bones fixed compilation of setup.c when --disable-ossdigi is used

   AJ fixed a beep being generated in Windows when alt+character was pressed 
   in Windowed mode.

   Peter Wang fixed many oversights and problems in the library and examples and
   allowed the code to be build with stricter warnings.

   Peter Wang fixed problems compiling the Windows port with WARNMODE=1

   Tore Halse fixed compilation problems in Windows related to TITLEBARINFO.

   Daniel Schlyder made the Windows port use TITLEBARINFO if it is available.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made many improvements to the documentation.

============ Changes from 4.1.17 to 4.1.18 (January 2005) ============

   Peter Hull fixed a bug that caused rest() to wait too long on MacOS X.

   Tore Halse made the Allegro window always appear centred in Windows.

   Peter Wang fixed a lot of warnings in the code and did a lot of cosmetic 
   fixes as well.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz added short description support to the MAN and 
   HTML documentation.

   Milan Mimica fixed a bug in the keyconf utility.

   Peter Hull fixed some issues compiling Allegro for MacOS X.

   Marcio Fialho fixed a warning when compiling Allegro with DJGPP.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a bug that prevented system cursors from working in 
   Windows, as pointed out by Peter Johansson.

   Evert Glebbeek added a font loading routine and various other font 
   functions to the library.

   Peter Wang added custom packfile functions and packfile vtables.

   Peter Wang decoupled the packfile compression code from the packfile 

   Daniel Schlyder fixed some problems with the font loading code.

   AJ added IA64, SSE3 and AMD64 detection code.

   Daniel Schlyder fixed some warnings with MinGW gcc 3.4.2

   Peter Hull made the file selector work properly with directories that have 
   more than 2048 entries.

   Marcio Afonso Arimura Fialho fixed some problems with the DJGPP version and 
   the VBE/AF driver.

   Phil Shenk clarified the MSVC build docs.

   Michal Molhanec fixed a problem with long filenames in the MSVC build
   process and added a --msvcpaths flag to the fix.bat script.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made a lot of improvements to the documentation.

   Peter Wang made some modifications to allegro_message() in X11.

   Evert Glebbeek added blender mode defines and activated the gfx_vtable 
   set_blender_mode() function in the source.

   Evert Glebbeek added gui_set_screen and gui_get_screen functions and a
   set_mouse_cursor_bitmap function.

   Peter Wang made scancode_to_name never return NULL.

   Peter Wang fixed some problems in the Linux joystick driver.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz added a lot of ASSERTions to the code.

   Elias Pschernig added special Ctrl-Alt-End and Pause key handlers to the 
   X11 keyboard driver.

   Elias Pschernig fixed a problem with the mouse acceleration in Windows.

============ Changes from 4.1.16 to 4.1.17 (December 2004) ============

   Sven Sandberg fixed a few problems with the sprite rotation code.

   Sven Sandberg optimized blitting between different colour depths.

   Evert Glebbeek added support for the use of native window manager cursors.

   Chris Robinson made install_allegro() check if the library version matches
   the version of the headerfiles installed.

   Peter Wang fixed some problems with rest() on UNIX systems.

   Evert Glebbeek added an is_windowed_mode() function.

   Elias Pschernig added the scancode_to_name function.

   Elias Pschernig made rest use usleep() on MacOSX.

   Chris Robinson fixed the incorrect use of -export-dynamic on UNIX

   Elias Pschernig, Chris Robinson and Peter Wang fixed XOR mode leaving 
   droppings in X11.

   Elias Pschernig fixed several dependency issues.

   James Lohr fixed a problem with mouse acceleration in fullscreen modes under

   Peter Wang fixed a problem in the TGA loader.

   Lennart Steinke contributed keyboard layout detection code for Windows.

   Peter Wang fixed a bug that caused Allegro to crash if it failed to 

   Peter Wang fixed a deadlock related to X vsync emulation.

   Daniel Schlyder fixed make uninstall with mingw make.

   Elias Pschernig fixed QNX issue of not including utimer.c

   Angelo Mottola fixed compilation problems on BeOS and fixed the detection
   of VRAM.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed compilation problems on *BSD.

   Elias Pschernig made the X11 window hidden in GFX_TEXT mode.

   Peter Wang removed remapping of numpad keys when NumLock was off in Linux

   David A. Capello made override_config_file also be used for writing to the 
   config file.

   Julien Cugniere added an X11 message box for allegro_message under X11.

   Vitaliy Chetverikov a small bug in the GUI where the return value of 
   MSG_IDLE was ignored.

   Peter Wang made several improvements to the examples.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made a lot of improvements to the documentation.

   Elias Pschernig made make-install not build examples.

   Peter Wang fixed several instances of symbols not declared static that should
   have been.

   Elias Pschernig replaced the X11 keyboard driver with a new XIM driver.

   Peter Wang fixed a problem with Linux headers and Allegro headers both
   declaring KEY_ constants, as pointed out by David A. Capello.

   Elias Pschernig fixed X11 async reply in DGA2 mode detection due to missing 

   Peter Wang fixed problems in ex3buf, which was trying to lock symbols which 
   had been removed.

   Elias Pschernig cleaned up grabber/dat documentation.

   Daniel Schlyder added ALLEGRO_LIB_BUILD flag for gcc variants not using 

   Elias Pschernig fixed bugs in matrix_to_quat and get_align_matrix.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a problem with the X11 port when 
   ALLEGRO_MULTITHREADED was not defined.

   Matthew Leverton added support for a fourth mouse button to the Windows port.

   Michal Molhanec added a faq section about the giftware license.

   Elias Pschernig added the license disclaimer to the docs.

   Evert Glebbeek added missing vtable entries for AllegroGL, as requested by 
   Robert Ohannessian.

   Dustin Dettmer spotted a typo in save_bitmap.

   Sam Hocevar removed deprecated use of init_read_test, test_byte_read, etc.

   Peter Wang fixed a bug in the Windows keyboard driver.

============ Changes from 4.1.15 to 4.1.16 (October 2004) ============

   Peter Wang fixed two problems with the keyboard driver on Windows.

   Chris Robinson fixed a problem causing some components to wrongly
   initialized in Windows when the window is set.

   Elias Pschernig added chapters to the documentation.

   Chris Robinson fixed a bug where the X11 fullscreen driver would fail if
   no virtual screen was reported.

   Daniel Schlyder added a set_allegro_resource_path() function .

   Elias Pschernig fixed an issue with xf2pcx.

   David A. Capello made makedoc write sub-section headings for .txt output.

   Evert Glebbeek added hardware cursor support to the X11 and DirectX window

   Peter Wang made the Linux joystick driver read more than one joystick
   event at a time, as pointed out by Greg Lee.

   Evert Glebbeek removed the need for magic main under UNIX and added a
   --enable-magicmain option to the configure script.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a crash when initializing, deinitializing and 
   reinitializing Allegro on Windows.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a possible memory protection problem in stretch_blit
   on Windows XP SP2, as suggested by Chris Robinson.

   Chris Robinson fixed set_palette() not waiting for vsync in X11.

   Peter Wang deprecated the retrace simulator.

   Daniel Verkamp contributed a MIDI input driver for the Windows port.

   Chris Robinson improved the speed of drawing primitives on X11 and 
   implemented locking/unlocking for video bitmaps.

   Evert Glebbeek fixed a problem with the build process on non-intel UNIX

   Peter Wang fixed a problem with programs aborting on exit under X11.

   Peter Wang disabled VBE/AF by default on Linux.

   Sam Hocevar fixed a bug where makedoc would crash for missing @erefs.

   Peter Wang made the mouse movement appear smoother.

   Chris Robinson made the file routines work with files containing a # in the 

   Peter Wang fixed a bug in remove_int().

   Bobby Ferris added SciTE .api file generation to makedoc.

   Sam Hocevar made is possible to put functions defined in assembler 
   sourcefiles in a shared library in UNIX.

   Evert Glebbeek removed the weak declaration of allegro_icon and changed
   xfixicon.sh accordingly.

   Evert Glebbeek made get_executable_name() use procfs on UNIX.

   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made many improvements to the documentation and
   to the makedoc tool.

   Many fixes to source, examples and documentation.

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