Hi folks,

minutes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/2006-03-10.


Here a copy for convenience:

MOTU meeting, 10. March 2006

Full log can be found at 

People present

    * StefanPotyra aka sistpoty
    * SzilveszterFarkas aka phanatic
    * CoreyBurger aka Burgwork (who lurked)
    * OliverGrawert aka ogra (who watched from a distance)
    * AnthonyMercatante aka Tonio_
    * BrandonHale aka tseng (who watched less than ogra)
    * RaphaelPinson aka raphink (who joined a bit later)


    1) Short introduction to the new MOTU workflow tool (sistpoty)


      1) citing sistpoty: "You can find this list at 
http://revu.tauware.de/~sistpoty/MoM/wip.py. It works pretty simple: you file 
a bug with a title with "accepted work" in it and assign it to universe-bugs 
or motu-reviewers and it should pop up in the list. If you mark a bug as "fix 
released" or "rejected", it should vanish from the list again." Burgwork 
suggested to display the IRC-nick (and maybe link to the wiki-page) in the 
list. sistpoty stated, that he'll look into this. [A short discussions of 
technical details followed, which I'll skip here].

Other business:
        The next time and date for a MOTU-Meeting will be handled via the 
      Since sistpoty was a little bit disappointed for the short meeting and 
few people being there, raphink stated, that most MOTU's are focusing on main 
right now and there is no big work in universe to do apart from bug fixing.

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