Thanks for the those who offered helps. I found the following link that is very 
Note that there is only ash, not dash in the list. Since dash comes from ash, I 
assume the features for them are the same.

I really like the lightweightness of dash on PS3. However, I missed these 
features in bash (in order of importance):
  1) command line editing
  2) tab completion
  3) command history
  4) customized prompt

If we can get these features add to dash with minimal impact on its 
compactness, I will be a happy dash user, and I believe more users will be less 

As for 1), this is from the manual page:
   -V vi' Enable the built-in vi(1) command line editor (disables -E if it has 
been set). 
I am not sure it means for command line editing. Anyway, I could not get it 

As for 4), dash actually has some limited support in the form of env variable 
PS1. I've written a small program (bashps - bash style prompt string) to make 
it possible to use bash style prompt (such as '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ ') in 
dash without any change to dash itself. Just run the following command:
>   export PS1 = "$(bashps '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ ')"

If any one has any "smart" idea to add 2), 3) to dash without change to dash or 
with minimal change (in term code size), I will be happy to hear.

Best regards,


----- Original Message ----
From: John Dong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 2, 2008 8:26:05 PM
Subject: Re: bash vs dash

dash is a minimal shell that is primarily meant to meet POSIX bourne shell 
standards (i.e. BSD's /bin/sh). It doesn't support autocompletion or command 

On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Jiafu Gao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am trying to find out the feature differenece between bash and dash. The 
internet does not help much. man dash goes to manual page for sh. Is this 
information available at all? 

Specifically, I like to know if dash support: 
  1) autocompletion (of command)
  2) command history

Thanks for any help.


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