Thanks for writing that, and passing it along!  That sort of thing is
fun and I was planning to get around to it at some point.

While looking a bit more I found that in Jaunty at least, the
python-twitter package has a "tweet" script that does tweeting from
the command line.  It doesn't retrieve the current tweet though.

The best way to contribute that particular idea would be to work
"upstream" with the folks at
so that eventually it would improve not just the ubuntu tweet program,
but also the same thing in other distributions and operating systems.


Neal McBurnett       

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 02:51:44PM -0400, Joseph Miller wrote:
> Here's a command-line program to connect to Twitter and update and/or retrieve
> one's status.  I wrote it so that I can use ALT+F2 'twit my new status' 
> instead
> of opening a browser window.  The GUI programs that are available through
> Ubuntu seemed to take too many steps just to update my status.  I had to click
> too many things and I wanted a shortcut.  I also plan to get my computers 
> their
> own twitter accounts and use this script to keep me updated, especially when I
> send them to batch process a list of files for video encoding, compiling, 
> etc. 
> Perhaps this is something you may want to include in the python-twitter
> package. I would recommend it, I was pretty surprised not to find a 'twit'
> command on my computer.
> Features
> - no help or instructions (ok, that's lack of a feature)
> - reads from a configuration file ~/.twit/config
> - creates a config file if none exists and requests the username / password
> from the user
> Command `twit' will simply retrieve the status
> Command `twit a new status' will update the status
> Note: I made it so that quotes are not required on the new status.  I found
> that to be too cumbersome so instead, the program will concatenate all the 
> args
> except arg[0] and separate them with spaces.
> I'm experienced with PHP/Perl/C and others, but this is my first Python
> program.  I hope it is OK for a small program.
> -Joseph Miller

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