On 25/09/2009, at 04.04, s...@aol.in wrote:

> Dear Ubuntu MOTU developers,
> The problem with MrBayes in 64 bit MrBayes is that there is a bug  
> that makes it "segfault" everytime. This is a known issue and there  
> is patch available for this. The Ubuntu version of MrBayes  is not  
> usable in 64bit systems.
> I am attaching the patch and the compiled binary. Please apply the  
> patch and compile the source, or you can directly use the binary  
> that i have already patched and it works perfectly in 64-bit  
> systems. Kindly update the repos with the patched .debs.

Thank you for submitting a patch to MrBayes. Unfortunately the patch  
is either reversed or has alreaady been applied, I can't offhand tell  

The right way to address bugs in Ubuntu is via the bugtracker on  
Launchpad.net. Bugs reported to the mailing list tend to get lost. Go  
to the Ubuntu project, find the mrbayes source package and file a bug  
under it. We can continue the discussion there.

You write the "there is a patch available". Can you please inform us  
of he origin of the patch? Please do it in the bug's comment

Please do not submit binary files, we have no need for those.

Thanks for your interest in Ubuntu,

Morten Kjeldgaard <m...@ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
GPG Key ID: 404825E7

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