Hi adam

Recently doko uploaded a new version of binutils to debian. In this version the binutils-gold binary package was dropped and the binutils binary package started providing binutils-gold. This rendered fp-compiler (source package fpc) uninstallable since the then-current version of fp-compiler declared a conflicts on binutils-gold.

As you are aware fpc is a pascal compiler written in pascal. Therefore while I can (and have) fixed the fpc source package, the new source package requires an existing version of fp-compiler to be installed and to install that exising version of fp-compiler requires an older version of binutils to be installed that does not provide binutils-gold.

I've fixed the mess in debian though a combination of getting in before the buildds were updated and some binary uploads. After getting things fixed in debian (which was a pain I turned my attention to ubuntu which I confirmed was suffering from the same issue. I'm not sure if the change was introduced to ubuntu at the same time as debian or if it has been in their longer.

I then turned my attention to ubuntu and after some discussions on irc (quoted below) it was suggested that you knew how to deal with such things in ubuntu.

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<ScottK> That's easy.  There's no binary uploads in Ubuntu.
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<plugwash> AIUI there are binary uploads in ubuntu but getting them done is like pulling hens teeth :(
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<RAOF> plugwash: You can emulate binary uploads by uploading a source package containing the pre-built binary, of course.
<plugwash> I guess that is an option
<plugwash> though it seems like a case of working round a broken distro policy
<plugwash> plus i'm only a dd, I don't currently have any status in ubuntu.
<ajmitch_> I think exceptions are made sometimes for bootstrapping compilers & the like, which I assume is what you want? Those exceptions have been manually handled in the past from what I recall <plugwash> ajmitch_, right, doko made a change to binutils which broke the installability of fp-compiler (source package fpc), i've fixed the issue in the source package but freepascal is written in pascal and as such to build the new version of the source package requires an existing version of fp-compiler to be installed <plugwash> the fix is to build the latest fpc source package in an environment with an older version of binutils that doesn't suffer from the issue. I've done it for debian but I don't have the power to do it for ubuntu. <plugwash> hence why i'd like to know who to talk to about getting it handled
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<ajmitch_> RAOF: I'm guessing you don't have the access needed to sort that without your method of bundling a binary? :)
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<RAOF> ajmitch_: Indeed not. Do we actually have such a method?
<ajmitch_> I think it's been handled manually on buildds in the past, infinity would know
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<ajmitch_> it may just be simpler to bundle a prebuilt version
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<ScottK> yeah, infinity is probably a good start.
<plugwash> ok i'll pop him an email then (he knows who I am already so he shouldn't think it's too strange)

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