Hi Michael,

First of all, welcome to the mailing list for Ubuntu Philippines!

On Tuesday, 26 October, 2010 06:01 PM, Michael Lunar wrote:
> hey...
> am a newbie... just started using Ubuntu about three weeks ago. I was
> attempting to install Windows7 on my laptop but for some reason I
> cannot. Even with a clean install. My friend's got a 9.04 and he told
> me to wipe my laptop clean by installing Ubuntu and clean install
> Windows7 after... didn't work!
:: If I understood you correctly, you're trying to install Windows 7
_after_ installing Ubuntu?  Last time I tried that, I had a hard time as
well so went back to the easier method of installing Windows first
before installing Ubuntu.

I can't remember much of it but Windows has this habbit of wanting to be
the only OS on your machine, and be installed first.  But before you
start reformatting again, partition your harddrive first (if you only
have 1 HDD).

My current setup is this:
1) My first partition is for Ubuntu (my personal rule: no less than
20gb; Ubuntu will run in a 10gb partition last I read the manuals)
2) My second partition is for Linux swap (my personal rule: no less than
1gb and no more than 3gb; I have mine set to 2gb with a 2gb RAM).
3) My third partition is for Windows7 (I dont have a personal rule to
this one because Windows is notorious with eating a lot of HDD space,
and I'm not the only user of our desktop here at home, I have to
prioritized them over myself BUT if I'm the only user, I'll give
Windows7 no more than 20gb, since I use Ubuntu as my primary work and
gaming OS)
4) My fourth partition is for my "data", NTFS formatted (so I can
transfer files between Ubuntu and Windows when the need arises).  (This
one is not necessary, this is just my personal taste.)

After partitioning your HDD, then install Windows7 first.
After that, install Ubuntu.
-- When installing Ubuntu, be careful when selecting your partition lest
you delete your Windows partition ;)

Out-of-the-box, you should be okay from this point on.  Ubuntu will
install grub2 which will allow you at boot to choose start Ubuntu or

> And soooo... I got stuck with with the 9.04! BUT when the Update
> Manager showed an Upgrade to 10.10, i clicked on upgrade and soon
> after... my laptop won't start! Tried slipstreaming Windows... didn't
> work! Then I made a Pendrive installer of Ubuntu10.04 following
> on-line instructions, installed it on my laptop and have been enjoying
> Ubuntu since then.
> I am a convert and have been showing my new OS (with the jiggling
> windows) to my peers. One friend has actually installed Ubuntu using
> the Pendrive I created. Am still discovering a lot of things about
> Ubuntu hence I joined the Mailing list. Now... am a bit nervous about
> these changes you are talking about here...
> Sorry... am not a full time techie (or what some call a geek), I'm an
> above average Windows user and would like to be formally "doctrinized"
> on Ubuntu... Am really starting to like it but am beginning to be wary...
Ahh, don't be!  There's nothing to worry about.  Unity is the default
desktop that comes with UNR (Ubuntu Netbook Remix).  It is only a
different layout and different way of doing things on your PC.  You are
already using Ubuntu so you'll be fine and you'll like Unity ;)

What the exchange was about is marketing/selling Ubuntu to the general
population - be it individuals or especially organizations - people who
have not used Ubuntu (or any Linux distro) at all.

All good I hope?


~ JC

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